How to use WeakReference in Java and Android development?
in Java or Android is handy for memory management as it allows objects to be willingly eaten by garbage collector (🗑️) when there are no strong references. This is especially useful in memory-sensitive platforms like Android. Think of them as an offering to the mighty garbage collector.
Key Points:
new WeakReference<>(obj)
: You've created a weak reference.weakRef.get()
: You're checking if your offering was accepted.
Implementing weak references for caching
Caching with weak references ensures your cached objects are not hoarded unnecessarily. They offer themselves up for the memory purge when pressure mounts. They're the heroic volunteers of memory management.
The WeakHashMap
automatically removes entries when the key is no longer in ordinary use.
Observing through weak references
In observer patterns, weak references for listeners can help avoiding retention of objects past their expiration date. They act like a fading echo, dimming until they can't be heard—unless you make an effort to listen in.
Listener objects will be garbage collected once they're no longer in strong use elsewhere in your code, removing themselves from the list and freeing up memory.
Using weak references in Android views
In Android, WeakReference
can hold temporary references to views, keeping them from holding up an Activity's garbage collection after it's been closed.
Just like a party where you rely on your guests cleaning up, things can get a bit messy. GC can happen unpredictably, meaning weak references may seem to disappear randomly. When using WeakReference
s, always prepare for the inevitable null.
Reference your references
Java offers other types of referential objects: SoftReference
and PhantomReference
s are like shrines to the Garbage Collector that he'll remove last.PhantomReference
s are used to schedule post-garbage-collection clean-up actions; it's like your post-party cleaning crew.
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