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How to use Python to execute a cURL command?

Anton ShumikhinbyAnton Shumikhin·Feb 22, 2025

Translate cURL commands to Python swiftly using Python's requests library. It's straightforward and doesn't require invoking subprocesses. Use this essential block to get started:

import requests # Swap with your URL and HTTP method as required; GET is shown here response = requests.get('http://yoururl.com') print(response.text) # Welcome to yourURL.com #hopefully

Exchange requests.get with requests.post, requests.put and so forth to align with the cURL command. Include headers, data, and parameters as arguments when necessary.

Structuring your Python requests

Handling various HTTP methods

Requests can cater to an enormous range of scenarios - they're not just about GET requests. For dealing with RESTful APIs like a pro, other HTTP methods like POST, PUT, DELETE, etc. come into play. Thankfully, requests have got a function for each one.

# POST request - passing the parcel with JSON goodies response = requests.post('http://yoururl.com/api', json={'key': 'value'}) # PUT request - let's replace some stuff, shall we? response = requests.put('http://yoururl.com/resource', data={'key': 'value'})

The role of headers and response

Headers might seem like heavy stuff, but they carry important details like setting the Content-Type or even bearer tokens for authentication, and trust me you don't want to ignore them:

headers = { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', # Be explicit, always helps! 'Authorization': 'Bearer {}'.format("YOUR_TOKEN") # Star Wars secured } response = requests.get('http://yoururl.com/secure', headers=headers)

When it comes to responses, simply use .json() to unravel the JSON content:

data = response.json() print(data) # Fingers crossed for meaningful data

Managing file uploads

Uploading files is as simple as using the files parameter with requests.post(). Here's how:

files = {'file': open('file_registration.csv', 'rb')} response = requests.post('http://yoururl.com/file_uploads', files=files)

Dealing with errors

The Golden rule of coding: always check response statuses to appraise if your request was fruitful:

if response.status_code == 200: print('Success!') # Let the party begin! else: print('An error has occurred..the culprit:', response.status_code) # Bummer!

Getting fancy with Python requests

cURL command MADE IT IN Python!

Those pesky cURL commands can sometimes become a real headache to translate into Python. To ease your pain points, there's an automated remedy - Patiently visit curlconverter.com, an automated yet reliable assistant that serves you your cURL command translated to Python.

Don't fear the SSL connections!

Dealing with self-signed certificates might seem like a menace, especially if you wish to bypass the SSL verification process. Fret not! You've got verify=False to your rescue!

requests.get('https://yoururl.com', verify=False) # Take it easy champ, keep the security checks in mind though!

Please bear in mind that not all superheroes wear capes, sometimes they become security risks!

Python version got you down, no worries!

Rocking an age-old version of Python that doesn't offer support to the requests library? You're left with two options - either use subprocess or os.system. However, it is highly recommended to shake the dust off your Python version and trade it for a newer one.

Speedy requests for the win!

A super efficient performance strategy is to re-use underlying TCP connections using sessions in requests. Here's how it helps:

with requests.Session() as session: resp = session.get('http://yoururl.com') # Use this session for subsequent requests; think of it like your all-rounder in cricket!