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How to uncheck a radio button?

Alex KataevbyAlex Kataev·Aug 27, 2024

The out-of-the-box unchecking feature is non-existent for a radio button, so we engineer a workaround by using a hidden radio:

// HTML: Crafting a hidden radio button sharing the same name <input type="radio" name="group" style="display:none" checked> // JavaScript: Detonate this function to disarm the selected radio function uncheckRadio() { document.querySelector('input[type="radio"][name="group"][style="display:none"]').checked = true; }

Just call uncheckRadio() function anytime you want to deselect any checked radio button in the group, and let the hidden comrade carry the "checked" burden for the team.

jQuery epiphany and JavaScript enlightenment

To swerve off the checked path with jQuery, look $(this).prop('checked', false) way.

// Employing jQuery's mastery to uncheck $("input[type="radio"][name="group"]).on("click", function() { $(this).prop('checked', false); // Jedi mind trick, radio you are not checked });

Hint: Always prefer .prop() over .attr() when tampering the 'checked' state in jQuery because prop() is the eyewitness to changes made after loading the DOM, whereas attr() stubbornly holds onto initial DOM values.

Going old school with plain JavaScript, the checked state can be manipulated directly:

// Plain ol' JavaScript, no frills document.querySelector('input[type="radio"][name="group"]').checked = false; // The Force is weak with this one

A game of radios: unchecking all

To bring about mass destruction of the checked status for all radio buttons in a group, extend your jQuery selector powers:

// The rebellion against all checked radios begins $("input:radio[name='group']").prop("checked", false); // Checked, you shall not be

Erasing text field memories

In the event you need to simultaneously wipe out text fields, jQuery got your cloak:

// Men in Black moment for all text boxes in a form named 'frm' $('#frm input[type="text"]').val(""); // Who are you again?

A precision strike with event handling

To achieve accuracy that rivals a Predator drone, assign mousedown events:

// Sharpshooting with mousedown and click events $("input:radio").on('mousedown', function(){ var wasChecked = this.checked; $(this).one('click', function(){ if(wasChecked){ $(this).prop('checked', false); // Omae wa mou shindeiru // Translation: You're already unchecked, radio } }); });

Post-AJAX: The aftermath

Once the hurricane of AJAX has passed, it's time for the cleanup operation a.k.a resetting the form:

// Headquarter for the AJAX cleaning crew function resetRadioButtons(){ $("input:radio").prop('checked', false); // Additional cleanup operations go here } // Cleanup on aisle AJAX!

More Sorcery: jQuery plugin, state tracking and more

The creation myth: jQuery plugin

For those wizards who hex forms regularly, consider crafting a jQuery plugin:

// Birth of a jQuery plugin to uncheck radios $.fn.uncheck = function() { return this.prop('checked', false); // Bring forth, the unchecked state! }; // Summoning the uncheck spell $('input:radio').uncheck(); // Presto unchecko!

State affairs: Tracking changes

With jQuery, you can remember the state of checked status. Store it using .data() and recall whenever:

// Committing state details to memory $("input:radio").on('click', function() { $(this).data('wasChecked', this.checked); }); // Take a trip down the memory lane var wasChecked = $("input:radio").data('wasChecked'); // Those were the days, my friend

The grand unchecking plan

Include all radio buttons and labels in event listeners for unchecking:

// No man is left behind $("input:radio, label[for='myRadio']").on('click', function() { // Unchecking scheme goes here }); // All for one, one for all

Thinking conditionally with variable tracking

Use a variable to incorporate conditional logic within event handlers:

// A rewarding variable experience let isRadioChecked = false; $("input:radio").on('click', function() { isRadioChecked = !isRadioChecked; if (!isRadioChecked) { $(this).prop('checked', false); // CHECKmate! } });