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How to reset Postgres' primary key sequence when it falls out of sync?

Nikita BarsukovbyNikita Barsukov·Aug 24, 2024

Misaligned sequences in Postgres? Fret not! All it takes is a single command to reset and realign your primary key sequence, using setval:

SELECT setval('your_table_id_seq', COALESCE((SELECT MAX(id)+1 FROM your_table), 1), false);

This adjusts the sequence 'your_table_id_seq' to follow the next available ID. It avoids duplicate keys and sets the sequence to start at 1 if your table is empty. A pretty neat trick, huh?

Procedure for reset

Before you dive into resetting the sequence, let's understand the best practices and step-by-step strategy for a safe and effective reset.

1. Backup your data

You're not a daredevil, right? So start with a backup. Use pg_dump as your safety net. When (not if) something goes wrong, you'll thank yourself.

pg_dump your_database > your_backup.sql

// Note: No capes. Or in this case, no resets without backups!

2. Prevent table changes during reset

Lock your table. Like a careful mystic sealing exorcized spirits in a haunted manor while they recite the incantation, preventing other transactions from meddling is a good idea.


// "Exorcizo te, omnis spiritus duplicatus!"

3. Adjust the sequence

Now the real deal: invoke setval, the secret charm of sequence reset.

SELECT setval( 'your_table_id_seq', COALESCE((SELECT MAX(id) FROM your_table), 1), false ); COMMIT;

// SHAZAM! Sequence reset!

4. Kickoff for empty tables

For empty tables, we use COALESCE to prevent the sequence from scoffing and returning a NULL.

SELECT setval('your_table_id_seq', COALESCE((SELECT MAX(id)+1 FROM your_table), 1));

// Like replying to an RSVP for a party-of-none

5. Keeping the ghosts — ID Gaps

If you are one to cherish nostalgia and want to keep the ID gaps, which might be due to deleted records over time or a trip to Bermuda triangle (database edition), you can set the third argument of setval to true:

SELECT setval('your_table_id_seq', (SELECT MAX(id)+1 FROM your_table), true);

6. Operating on all sequences

Need to operate on all sequences in your database due to a sudden outbreak of sequence disorder? Fear not! Call Ghostbusters!.. I mean.. use information_schema.columns.

DO $$ DECLARE record RECORD; BEGIN FOR record IN SELECT column_default like 'nextval%' as is_serial, table_name, column_name FROM information_schema.columns WHERE table_schema = 'public' LOOP IF record.is_serial THEN EXECUTE 'SELECT setval(' || pg_get_serial_sequence(quote_ident(record.table_name), record.column_name) || ', (SELECT COALESCE(MAX('|| record.column_name ||')+1, 1) FROM '|| quote_ident(record.table_name) || '), false)'; END IF; END LOOP; END$$;

// DO finish that "one thing" on your weekend to-do list

Beyond reset: Advanced sequence handling

Now that we've reset our sequence, let's divulge some savvy secrets for advanced handling of sequences. Buckle up, we're going for a roller-coaster ride!

1. Sequences in multi-table scenarios

For multi-table or inheritance scenarios, use pg_get_serial_sequence to make sure you get ninja-level accuracy.

SELECT pg_get_serial_sequence('child_table', 'id');

// Sequence ninja, activate!

2. Command the sequence; Own it

When resetting a sequence, it's absolutely critical to pull out the wand of ALTER SEQUENCE ... OWNED BY. This helps to ensure the sequence is owned by the right column.

ALTER SEQUENCE your_table_id_seq OWNED BY your_table.id;

// Remember, "ownership" is path to enlightenment!

3. Building a custom reset charm

Ever dreamed of having your own spell? Now you can! If your DB suffers frequent sync issues, a custom function like reset_sequence can be your Patronus!

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION reset_sequence(tablename TEXT, columnname TEXT) RETURNS VOID AS $$ DECLARE seq_name TEXT; seq_val BIGINT; BEGIN seq_name := (SELECT pg_get_serial_sequence(tablename, columnname)); EXECUTE 'SELECT COALESCE(MAX(' || columnname || ') + 1, 1) FROM ' || tablename INTO seq_val; EXECUTE 'SELECT setval(''' || seq_name || ''', ' || seq_val || ', false)'; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;

// From now on, you can call yourself "The Reset Wizard".

4. Post-restore sequence adjustments

Heavy import or unloading the bits from a backup? Remember to give a makeover to your sequences to avoid key conflicts:

SELECT setval('your_table_id_seq', (SELECT MAX(id)+1 FROM your_table), false);

// Freshen up post-travel, sequences!