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How to reset <input type = "file"> in Angular

Anton ShumikhinbyAnton Shumikhin·Nov 6, 2024

A quick and direct way to reset an Angular <input type="file"> is setting the value property to null via the element's reference, which can be neatly accessed with Angular's @ViewChild.

import { Component, ViewChild } from '@angular/core'; @Component({ template: `<input type="file" #fileInput>` }) export class MyComponent { @ViewChild('fileInput') fileInput; resetInput() { // Unraveling the mystery of forgotten uploads this.fileInput.nativeElement.value = null; } }

Call resetInput(), and poof! Your file input is as empty as if it never existed. Using @ViewChild is like having a magic wand that can tweak the native element itself, effectively resetting the file input.

Resetting input within forms

When dealing with a form that contains the file input, Angular provides form control methods that can simplify the reset process, keeping your code DRY and clean.

<form #myForm="ngForm"> <input type="file" name="fileInput" ngModel #fileInput> <button type="button" (click)="resetForm(myForm)">Reset all my secrets</button> </form>
import { Component, ViewChild } from '@angular/core'; @Component({ selector: 'app-my-component', templateUrl: './my-component.html' }) export class MyComponent { @ViewChild('myForm') myForm; resetForm(form) { // Zeroing all inputs, stealth mode activated form.resetForm(); } }

This approach provides a more consistent behavior across different browsers, saving you from the quirks of some (looking at you, Safari).

Considerations for specific conditions

There are times when you need to assess the environment and adapt. Let's see some noteworthy cases:

Angular's form.reset

When using Angular's form.reset(), a convenient method especially when dealing with multiple inputs, make sure you are already harnessing Angular's data binding capabilities for more efficient code.

Angular's onChange event listener

Utilizing Angular's change event helps you monitor the file input and react as soon as the user selects a file.

Don't forget the user!

After a file input reset, provide feedback to the user. A subtle animation or a message goes a long way. Nobody likes to be left in the dark!

Proactive validation

Perform validation checks before the reset. Does the file have the correct extension or size? An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure!

Now, let's crank it up a notch

Angular isn't just any framework—it's a powerhouse of tools that supercharge handling <input type="file">.

Reactive forms

With reactive forms, you get to fully ride the wave of Angular's reactive programming model.

@ViewChild for the win

@ViewChild allows you to follow Angular's optimized data flow, avoiding manual DOM manipulation.

Cross-browser harmony

Ensure your solution is "Battle-tested And Mother Approved" (BAMA), working across different browsers, even the cantankerous IE8.