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How to print a dictionary's key?

Anton ShumikhinbyAnton Shumikhin·Aug 29, 2024

Swiftly print all keys in a dictionary using a for loop:

my_dict = {'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3} # Who needs keys to a car when you have keys to a dictionary! for key in my_dict.keys(): print(key)

It outputs 'a', 'b', 'c'. .keys() improves the clarity, even though it's automatic in a for loop over a dictionary.

How to print specific key

To print a particular key, ensure its existence to ward off KeyError:

# I have a flat 'a', do you? if 'a' in my_dict: print('a')

This avoids calamity in the form of a program crash if the key is missing.

Printing keys and corresponding values

Got more than just keys? Use .items() to print each key and its coupled value:

# Key-Value pairs, more committed than most couples for key, value in my_dict.items(): print(f"{key}: {value}")

Visualize both the key names and their linked values in the output. It's a data love-story!

Back in time: key ordering in an older Python version

In Python 3.7 and above, dictionaries maintain insertion order. This is useful when you're doing the time-order boogie:

from collections import OrderedDict # Perfectly ordered, just like my sock drawer ordered_dict = OrderedDict([('a', 1), ('b', 2), ('c', 3)]) for key in ordered_dict: print(key)

Your output formatting or logic can benefit from this role of order.

I see keys everywhere! Printing keys without values

There may be times when you want to see the keys, not their attached values. .keys() gives you a view from the key-only mountain top:

# Keys-view, the newest panoramic viewpoint keys_view = my_dict.keys() print(keys_view)

Remember: this view is dynamic and will reflect any changes to the dictionary.

A graceful dance around missing keys

If you attempt to directly access a missing key, you'll get a 'rude' KeyError. Use .get(), it's the polite buddy we all need:

print(my_dict.get('d', "Missing key - got a spare?"))

Here, results in a courtesy default return value if the key is away on vacation.

Dealing with the Big Guys: large dictionaries

For large dictionaries, dumping keys isn't ideal. Drop the 'dump and run' approach and opt for slicing or partial views:

# Top 5 keys, forget songs import itertools first_five_keys = list(itertools.islice(my_dict.keys(), 5)) print(first_five_keys)

This lets you tailor your output to avoid screen flooding when under water with data.

More techniques to sweeten the pot

Want more? Here you go:

  • For more beautiful printing of dictionaries, court json.dumps().
  • The pprint module can provide better-formatted outputs for vast or nested dictionaries.

These tools reign supreme for handling dictionaries that include nested dictionaries, lists, or other collections, giving a human-friendly format.