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How to move an element into another element

Alex KataevbyAlex Kataev·Sep 19, 2024

Here's your meal, served hot and ready. JavaScript's appendChild() helps move an element to the end of another in a jiffy. Feast your eyes on this lean and mean snippet:

// Meet Bob (the parent), ready to adopt Tom (the child). It's a happy story. document.getElementById('bob').appendChild(document.getElementById('tom'));

Bob, our erstwhile empty div, now harbors Tom snugly within. That's parenting!

Document fragments – the unsung heroes

Are you the efficient kind aiming to shift multiple elements? JS DocumentFragment is your best friend:

let elves = document.createDocumentFragment(); elves.appendChild(document.getElementById('elf1')); elves.appendChild(document.getElementById('elf2')); document.getElementById('santa').appendChild(elves);

Our dear little DocumentFragment is that invisible container, holding and humbly moving our elves into the Santa div, without causing page reflow for each insertion. Efficiency redefined!

jQuery – making life easy

For the jQuery aficionados, we present .appendTo():

// jQuery's arcade crane game; takes 'candy' and drops into 'bucket' $('#candy').appendTo('#bucket');

If you prefer the top bunk, .prependTo() is on your side:

// School line leader - 'candy' takes front position in line aka 'bucket' $('#candy').prependTo('#bucket');

To safeguard data and event handlers on your elements, employ jQuery's detach(), especially in dynamic web applications.

Uniqueness is key

In this DOMinion, maintaining unique ID attributes is non-negotiable in line with HTML standards. When cloning elements, revise their ID attributes:

// Making an identical twin for 'candy'; let's not create an identity crisis let clonedCandy = $('#candy').clone().prop('id', 'candyClone').appendTo('#bucket');

Exploring more – insertBefore and insertAfter

Welcome to the world of extra controls over positioning with insertBefore() and .insertAfter():

// Native JavaScript const sibling = document.getElementById('siblingNode'); parentNode.insertBefore(newNode, sibling); // jQuery $('#newNode').insertAfter('#siblingNode');

Keeping data and events intact

A concern when moving elements is not to sever their bound event handlers or associated data:

// Remember the coin trick? Here's the CSS version, 'coin' isn't really vanished! let movedCoin = $('#coin').detach(); $('#magicBox').append(movedCoin);

This tricksy maneuver keeps our event handlers fully operational, without any extra lifting.

Performance considerations

For a smooth performance, especially during heavy DOM manipulation, avoid causing a repaint party. Batch your operations and update the DOM only once:

let bagOfTricks= document.createDocumentFragment(); bagOfTricks.appendChild(trick1); bagOfTricks.appendChild(trick2); document.getElementById('magicBox').appendChild(bagOfTricks);

This enforces a high-performance impact, critical for responsive user interfaces.