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How to mix links ( <a> tag ) and headings ( <h1> tag ) in web standard?

Nikita BarsukovbyNikita Barsukov·Aug 4, 2024

Embed an <a> tag within an <h1> for clickable headings:

<h1><a href="URL">Heading Text</a></h1>

Or encase <h1> in <a> for a heading as part of a larger link:

<a href="URL"><h1>Heading Text</h1></a>

Both are semantic and accessible, but select based on whether you want the heading itself or the entire block clickable.

Balancing between semantics and functionality

Traditional web standards discouraged placing block-level elements, such as <h1>, inside inline ones, like <a>. But the tides changed when HTML5 came in like a wrecking ball. It pushed the boundaries and said, "Yes, you can wrap block-level elements in <a> tags."

<a href="URL"><h1>Heading Text</h1></a>

How does it affect usability and user experience? When would you use a heading as a link versus wrapping a heading in a link? Strap in, because we're about to dig deep!

The HTML5 revolution

When HTML5 entered the scene, developers got the keys to the castle. Larger clickable areas became possible, enhancing user interaction. Consider the scenario where you're designing a card component or list item, and boom! The entire block can lead the user to a new destination.

Example of a card component leveraging HTML5:

<a href="URL" class="card"> <h1>Article Title</h1> <!-- Roll up, roll up, read all about it! --> <p>Summary of the article...</p> </a>

And just like that, HTML5 is boosting standards-compliant websites into a new stratosphere of rich functionality!

Taming the browser compatibility beast

With great flexibility comes a need for great compatibility checks. Because guess what? Older browsers might not be onboard with our HTML5 block party. So, consider the following:

  • In the land of older browsers, polyfills and JavaScript-based solutions are kings and queens.
  • Use progressive enhancement techniques to make sure the train doesn't stop even if the tracks get a little rusty.

Polyfill sanity check (because sanity is good):

if (!document.querySelector || !('innerHTML' in document.createElement('a'))) { // Go, polyfill magic, go! }

For users running screen readers and other assistive technologies, maintaining the semantic structure is a matter of accessibility. So balance <h1> in <a> versus <a> in <h1> while weighing the implications:

  • Wrapping h1 in a might add a layer of "hide and seek" to screen reader users.
  • Putting an a inside h1 ensures the heading stays large and in charge in the page structure.

Let's play nice with screen readers:

<h1><a href="URL">Heading Text</a></h1>

Text selection crusader

When a wraps h1, text selection might become a moving target. A user trying to copy the title could accidentally trigger the link. The user experience superhero in you needs to ensure that functionality and usability are not at loggerheads.

Example of text selection-friendly structure:

<h1><a href="URL" class="heading-link">Heading Text</a></h1>

And voila, add a .heading-link class with CSS to achieve elegance without hampering text selection.

Styling stage

How you dress your links within headings speaks volumes. Making your links stand out amidst the headings can provide important visual cues:

h1 a { text-decoration: underline; } /* This is how you roll the red carpet for your links */ a h1 { background-color: #f8f8f8; } /* Headings in a hot tub anyone? */

With the first line, only the text within the heading rolls out the red carpet, and the second line? That's like giving a cosy spa treatment to the whole heading.

Bonus Tip: A sprinkle of :hover pseudo-class can make it super clear which parts of your text are the cool kids on the block.

h1 a:hover { color: #333; } /* "I came, I hovered, I conquered" - Link, probably */

Back to basics

Here's our takeaway menu:

  • For readability and semantic structure, <h1><a href="URL">Title</a></h1> is like comfort food.
  • For wider clickable area or stylish card components, <a><h1>Title</h1></a> is the mouthwatering main course.
  • Browser compatibility and accessibility: please don't skip these meals!
  • Spice up your links with some sass...I mean, CSS!