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How to manually trigger validation with jQuery validate?

Alex KataevbyAlex Kataev·Aug 21, 2024

Start validation in jQuery Validate with .valid():

$('#formID').valid(); // It's show time! Trigger form validation $('#inputID').valid(); // One field at a time, young padawan... Validates a single input field

Implement .valid() swiftly, receiving direct feedback on form/field conformity. To specify validation on a single field use validate().element():

$("#form").validate().element("#inputID"); // "You shall not pass!"... if invalid

Directly invoking validation on specific fields with custom triggers is unarguably a top-tier user experience strategy!

Manual validation in different use cases

Individual field check-ups

Here's splicing validation on an individual field, post some specific event action:

$('#myInput').on('input', function() { $(this).valid(); // Validates this little rascal after each input });

This befits dynamic form fields where input should auto-trigger validation.

Validating sections of a form

Multi-tiered form? No worries. Pinpoint validation to specific sections:

$('#saveSectionButton').on('click', function() { var sectionValidity = $('#form .section').valid(); // Aims for just a section if (!sectionValidity) { // Well, somebody didn't play by the rules. Handle invalid section! } });

Full form validation on demand

Want to validate the whole form before form submission? Let's get it done:

$('#validateButton').on('click', function() { var isFormValid = $("#form").validate().form(); // Trigger validation on entire form if (!isFormValid) { // Houston, we have a problem! The form is invalid! } });

Finally, checkboxes and radio buttons validation, done with a blink:

$('input:checkbox[name=myChkBxName]').change(function() { $(this).valid(); // Flip flip...validates changes on the checkboxes });

Crucial to fire off manual validation only after initializing the form with validate() to contain potential hiccups.

Optimizing form submission process

Ensuring complete field submission

After validation, ensure:

  • All form fields climb aboard the submission ride.
  • Valid data isn't left behind due to validation misfires.

Convenient validator instance handling

For versatile access, have a global validator instance:

var validator = $("#form").validate(); // Now validator's got your back to verify forms or elements anytime, anywhere!

Managing focus and error prompts

After the validation showtime, control focus and error indications. Dodge these common pitfalls:

  • Assure the spotlight stays on the first bad guy (invalid element).
  • Keep the error prompts clear and actionable.