How to load up CSS files using Javascript?
To instantly inject a CSS file into your document, create a <link>
element with JavaScript:
The stylesheet you specified is applied to your page as soon as the script executes.
Checking for existing stylesheets
Before adding a stylesheet dynamically, ensure it's not already included to prevent redundancy:
Advice on setting stylesheet paths
Give absolute paths when referencing your CSS files. This ensures the correct stylesheet is loaded irrespective of the current page's URL structure:
Cross-origin gotcha!
If your CSS file is hosted on a different domain than your website, ensure that the server serving your CSS file has the appropriate CORS headers set, so web browsers don't ruin your stylesheet party
Compatibility is key
To bolster browser support, including for old-but-gold IE6, use the setAttribute
Encode the CSS path and use it as an ID for the link to easily pinpoint or replace it later:
When jQuery is your cup of tea
If you're a fan of shorter jQuery syntax, it can elegantly simplify the task:
Preventing FOUC – the party pooper
To avoid a Flash of Unstyled Content (FOUC), a real party pooper in your CSS party, ensure to include your CSS before loading any heavyweight JavaScript libraries:
Handling asynchronous behavior
If you prefer to keep your activities non-blocking, you could utilize Promises or the fetch API:
A tip for the IE loyalists
Internet Explorer occasionally throws curveballs when dynamically inserting stylesheets. For IE-specific handling, you might want to check out the document.createStyleSheet()
Let's deal with those pesky errors
When inserting styles in a dynamic fashion, remember to handle errors that might crop up during stylesheet loading:
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