How to implement the Android ActionBar back button?
To enable the ActionBar back button in Android, call setDisplayHomeAsUpEnabled(true)
in onCreate
and intercept the button click in onOptionsItemSelected
This magic makes the ActionBar respond to the back button click, saying "Sayonara!" to the current activity and navigating back to the prior one.
Back button implementation details
Here's a step-by-step guide to getting that ActionBar back button up and running smoothly.
Declare relationships in the AndroidManifest.xml
Your AndroidManifest.xml
needs to know who's who in the hierarchy:
Overriding onOptionsItemSelected
Up navigation for ancient APIs
For API level 16 and lower, honor the elderly and use NavUtils.navigateUpFromSameTask(this)
. Just make sure the meta-data in the manifest is set.
Base activity for consistency
Consistency is key. Create a base activity that calls setDisplayHomeAsUpEnabled(true)
and make all child activities extend it. Now sit back and watch the magic flow.
Respect the activity lifecycle
The lifecycle of activities. Sounds profound, right? Brush up on onPause
, onResume
, etc., before delving into onOptionsItemSelected
Verify theme and initialize ActionBar
Check that your app's theme isn't too fancy for an ActionBar and initialize the ActionBar in your onCreate
Keep it consistent
Remember the 'Rule of Thumb' - apply back button functionality uniformly across activities. No exceptions!
Know when to use onBackPressed vs finish
'Finish' is the Kanye West, immediately closing the activity. The humble 'onBackPressed' sticks to the standard back stack behavior.
Essential tips for flaw-free ActionBar back button
A well-executed ActionBar back button can greatly enhance your app's user experience.
Check manifest configurations
Double-check the parent-children declarations in your manifest. Nobody likes a homeless activity!
Working with onBackPressed
Consider some cleanup operations or data saving magic in your onBackPressed
Implement onSupportNavigateUp
When using ActionBarDrawerToggle
, you must override onSupportNavigateUp
to handle navigation drawer clicks and assist navigation:
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