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How to identify whether the table has an identity column

Nikita BarsukovbyNikita Barsukov·Jan 28, 2025

To immediately determine if a specific table has an Identity column, take advantage of the sys.columns and sys.tables in this clean T-SQL query:

SELECT t.name AS TableName, c.name AS IdentityColumn FROM sys.columns c JOIN sys.tables t ON c.object_id = t.object_id WHERE c.is_identity = 1 AND t.name = 'YourTableName'; -- replace with your table

The query will return the IdentityColumn in 'YourTableName'. If no rows return, the table has no identity column.

Detailed examination of identity columns

Understanding why identity columns matter is key in all operations involving SQL Server. Identity columns automatically generate unique values for each new record, promoting integrity and facilitating referencing.

Inspecting with system catalog views and functions

To broaden your options, capture the identity column using system catalog views and functions:

-- Is there an identity column? Let's find out! IF OBJECTPROPERTY(OBJECT_ID('YourTableName'), 'TableHasIdentity') = 1 PRINT 'Yes, we have an identity column.'; ELSE PRINT 'Nope, identity column is on vacation.';

Column-targeted checks

When you need to ensure a specific column has an identity, perform a column-targeted check:

SELECT COLUMNPROPERTY(OBJECT_ID('YourTableName'),'ColumnName','IsIdentity') AS IsIdentity WHERE OBJECT_NAME(OBJECT_ID) = 'YourTableName';

Salute to sys.identity_columns

Need a comprehensive view of identity columns? Look no further:

SELECT OBJECT_NAME(object_id) AS TableName, name AS IdentityColumn, seed_value, increment_value, last_value, is_not_for_replication FROM sys.identity_columns WHERE OBJECT_NAME(object_id) = 'YourTableName';

Watch your steps!

Remember, table names can change and always verify permissions. Querying system views may not be everyone's cup of tea.

Pro tips and tricks

Adopt these pro tips to streamline your identity-checking process:

Don't let the table creation sneak past you

-- Double check while creating the table IF @@IDENTITY IS NOT NULL PRINT 'We nailed it. There is an identity column.'

Wrestling with replication or linked servers?

-- Cut to the chase when dealing with replication or linked servers SELECT columnproperty(object_id('linkedServerName.dbName.schemaName.tableName'),'columnName','IsIdentity')

Tag along during database migrations

-- Keep an eye on identity columns before migrating data IF (SELECT OBJECTPROPERTY(OBJECT_ID('YourTableName'), 'TableHasIdentity')) = 1 PRINT 'Hold up! Watch for identity seed reset on migration!'