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How to get these two divs side-by-side?

Nikita BarsukovbyNikita Barsukov·Nov 9, 2024

Give your divs a little "team spirit" with CSS Flexbox. Implement display: flex; on the parent div, and the child divs will naturally align horizontally creating a side-by-side layout.

<div style="display: flex;"> <div style="flex: 1;">First Div</div> <!-- Meet Div 1. He loves flexing his muscles. 💪 --> <div style="flex: 1;">Second Div</div> <!-- This is Div 2. She's all about that flex life too. 🤸‍♀️--> </div>

flex: 1; guarantees equal sizing to both child divs, effectively arranging them as teammates on the same line.

Inline-block for the win

display: inline-block; is your secret weapon when you want divs to retain their block-level traits and still vibe together horizontally like inline buddies.

<div> <div style="display: inline-block; width: 50%;">First Div</div> <!-- First Div says, no, we won't go (down)! ↖ --> <div style="display: inline-block; width: 50%;">Second Div</div> <!-- 😅 --> </div>

Ensure that your divs don't overstay their welcome by exceeding the parent's width, or they'll be shown the door to the next line. Also, say no to unexpected gaps in friendship by eradicating white space between inline-block elements.

Tackling float like a pro

Make divs swim together side-by-side with the art of float: left;. However, don't leave the pool without clearing floats to maintain layout integrity.

<div style="overflow: hidden;"> <div style="float: left; width: 50%;">First Div</div> <!-- Div 1 decided to take a left turn. ⬅️ --> <div style="float: left; width: 50%;">Second Div</div> <!-- Div 2 thought, why not, and followed suit! 💃 --> </div>

To maintain normal flowing elements, have clear: both; as your lifeguard on duty, ready to drain the pool after floating.

Exploring CSS properties

Knowing the ins and outs of CSS properties like display, width, height, and others that impact layout is a fundamental skill. Websites like learnlayout.com offer practical examples and interactive lessons.

Diving into CSS Grid

For a more complex** layout formation**, the underdog CSS Grid has your back. It's the control freak you'll appreciate - perfect for a modern layout that demands more than just aligning side-by-side.

Cross-browser Compatibility

Don't forget to test your layout on different browsers to ensure compatibility. Platforms like Can I use showcase specific feature support across different web browsers in real-time.

Debugging layout pitfalls

Remember, not all divs are created equal. Margin collapse, overflow issues, or misunderstandings about box-sizing can eventually lead to layout pandemonium. Leverage these concepts for more effective debugging.

Elevating layout aesthetics

Creating a visually appealing layout is half the battle. But, beware of the box model while adding margins, padding, and borders. Use box-sizing: border-box to include padding and borders within an element's width and height.