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How to get a list of column names on Sqlite3 database?

Anton ShumikhinbyAnton Shumikhin·Aug 26, 2024

No fuss, no frills. Here is the immediate, precise way to get column names in SQLite3:

PRAGMA table_info('your_table_name');

This command gifts you a treasure chest of table structure data consisting of 'cid', 'name', 'type', 'notnull', 'dflt_value', and 'pk' for the table specified by your_table_name.

PRAGMA: the swiss army knife for SQLite tasks

PRAGMA is the lifesaver within SQLite3 when you're wading through table architectures. The PRAGMA table_info command is a direct highway leading to column names, bypassing the annoying traffic of parsing sqlite_master table. If you're dealing with migration scripts or iOS apps, the PRAGMA comes to your aid, making procedures efficient.

Advanced PRAGMA hacks

Let's take it up a notch. Execute the PRAGMA command using sqlite3_prepare_v2() and sift through the results using sqlite3_step(stmt). Fetch column identifiers and data types with sqlite3_column_text(stmt, 1) and sqlite3_column_text(stmt, 2) respectively, banishing the need to parse SQL creation statements. Sick of SQL syntax headaches? This is your aspirin.

Tips and tricks to optimize SQLite3 CLI

In SQLite's command-line interface, make your output more human-friendly by using .headers on and .mode column. For a more panoramic view of the schema, including column names, use .schema tablename.

Digging deeper within sqlite_master

PRAGMA makes life easier, but if you enjoy taking the road less traveled, try querying sqlite_master for the SQL create statement:

SELECT sql FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table' AND tbl_name='your_table_name';

This method offers the raw SQL used to create the table. More verbose, but potentially handy for more complex journeys.

Uncommon scenarios, common solutions

Does the column exist? Sometimes you may need to check if a column exists. PRAGMA table_info, in conjunction with conditional logic and sqlite3_column_text, can solve that puzzle for you without breaking a sweat.

Dissecting complex schemas When your columns bring friends like constraints, foreign keys, and triggers, consider probing SQLite's expanded PRAGMA palette or dipping your toes into detailed, methodical inspections.

Taming evolving schemas Like butterflies, databases undergo metamorphosis. Use PRAGMA table_info in combination with schema management strategies to cope with these changes in applications, especially useful for iOS mobile development.

Common pitfalls and how to avoid them

Misinterpreting PRAGMA outputs PRAGMA table_info can overwhelm with its abundance. Ensure you're cherry-picking only the 'name' column for an accurate list of column names.

Misusing .headers ON Contrary to popular misconceptions, .headers ON in SQLite CLI doesn't list column names. It toggles the visibility of column headers. So, don't let it lure you down the rabbit hole!

Overlooking system schemas Don't forget potential system tables or views hiding in the shadows with unusual naming conventions or structures. Always account for them in your database excursions.