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How to do a count on a union query

Alex KataevbyAlex KataevยทAug 14, 2024

To conduct a count on a union query, you incapsulate the union statement within a subquery and apply COUNT(*):

-- Get ready to count some distinct profile_ids ๐Ÿ˜„ SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ( SELECT profile_id FROM table1 UNION SELECT profile_id FROM table2 ) AS combined; -- Meet 'combined', our trusty alias!

The above query counts the total number of distinct profile_id entries from both tables. To include duplicates in your count, switch UNION with UNION ALL:

-- We're going ALL in, duplicates are welcome at this party! ๐ŸŽ‰ SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ( SELECT profile_id FROM table1 UNION ALL SELECT profile_id FROM table2 ) AS combined;

Choose UNION for distinct counts, and UNION ALL for total counts, and rejoice in the clarity of choice.

Breaking down counts

When you are dealing with different tables, you might need a detailed output. Here's how you can break down the counts by each table:

-- Isolation therapy - let's get a count from each table first SELECT 'Table1' AS Source, COUNT(DISTINCT profile_id) AS DistinctCount FROM table1 UNION ALL SELECT 'Table2' AS Source, COUNT(DISTINCT profile_id) AS DistinctCount FROM table2;

Pay attention to data types

When counting distinct profile_id entries, keep in mind that the data types should match across select statements in the union. Sticky situations with data types could bring in some unexpected surprises! ๐ŸŽ

d(d)istinct repetitions

Sometimes, you want to count unique entries after combining them. In that case, employ the power of nested union queries:

-- Doing the hard work, so you'll get the glory ๐Ÿ† SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ( SELECT DISTINCT profile_id FROM ( SELECT profile_id FROM table1 UNION ALL SELECT profile_id FROM table2 ) AS inner_combined ) AS outer_combined;

When complexity calls: Group by

For scenarios that demand a further breakdown of counts, call in the trusty GROUP BY with COUNT() sidekick:

-- Category check! ๐Ÿฑ๐Ÿถ SELECT category, COUNT(*) FROM ( SELECT profile_id, 'Category_A' AS category FROM table1 UNION ALL SELECT profile_id, 'Category_B' AS category FROM table2 ) AS combined GROUP BY category;

Subqueries for efficient counting

For large data sets, incapsulating your UNION within a subquery allows the computations to execute faster, since it operates on a reduced set of data:

-- Let your query take a breath with subqueries ๐Ÿ’จ SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ( SELECT profile_id FROM (SELECT profile_id FROM table1 UNION ALL SELECT profile_id FROM table2) AS sub_union GROUP BY profile_id ) AS sub_count;

Tackling complex data structures

With complex data structures and multi-table queries, understanding the interaction JOIN operations have with UNION operations is crucial. The order of execution and the use of parentheses can significantly influence your result.