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How to display string that contains HTML in a Twig template?

Nikita BarsukovbyNikita Barsukov·Sep 12, 2024

Want to display unescaped HTML in a Twig template? Use the |raw filter:

{{ html_content | raw }}

A word to the wise: Always sanitize user-provided HTML content before using the |raw filter. This is not an optional step, it's a necessity to prevent any potential XSS attacks.

Using the raw filter safely

To safely apply the |raw filter, sanitize HTML content before rendering it:

{{ sanitized_content | raw }}

The key here is the sanitized_content — it should be clean of any potential threats, as ready for the spotlight as a well-groomed show dog. Handling this in the back-end preferably before it even reaches your Twig template is the safest approach.

Advanced sanitization with striptags filter

To selectively allow certain HTML tags, Twig provides the |striptags filter.

{{ html_content | striptags('<p><a>') | raw }}

It's like a virtual bouncer, allowing only <p> and <a> tags into the club, the rest have to stay outside.

Enhanced sanitation using external libraries

Don't trust the content? You can go a step further by using external libraries like HTML Purifier to sanitize the HTML content on your back-end.

$purifier = new \HTMLPurifier(); // Your guardsman against nasty code $clean_html = $purifier->purify($dirty_html); // "Off with the dirt!", he said

And then, in your Twig template, render the clean_html using the |raw filter:

{# Once upon a time, in a land of clean HTML... #} {{ clean_html | raw }}

Leveraging Symfony's translation feature

For static HTML strings, Symfony's translation feature comes to the rescue. It's like the postal service, delivering your HTML straight into your Twig template from a separate translation file:

# translations/messages.en.yaml welcome_msg: "<p>Welcome, <strong>%username%</strong>!</p>"

In your Twig template, simply use:

{# Like a letter, delivered right on time. Thanks, Postman Symfony! #} {{ 'welcome_msg'|trans({'%username%': username})|raw }}

What it's really good for: Using raw in practical situations

  • Static content: Go ahead, use |raw for static strings that are like holy water — untouched by outsider input.
  • Rich text editors: When rendering content created by codified guardians (trusted admins), |raw can come in handy.
  • Email templates: |raw plays a crucial role in ensuring your multi-colored greetings render accurately in various email clients.

Caution - Here be dragons: Considerations when handling dynamic HTML content

  • User-generated content: Use |raw as you would a raw egg — with utmost care. Unless the content has been sanitized, it is safer to keep the shell on.
  • Template inheritance: Ensure no unsafe content wormholes its way into your base templates via inclusion.
  • Avoiding double-escaping: When you already have PHP functions like htmlspecialchars at play, |raw can be a fickle friend. Steer clear of potential double-escaping issues.