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How to create an object property from a variable value in JavaScript?

Anton ShumikhinbyAnton Shumikhin·Aug 9, 2024

You can dynamically create an object property in JavaScript by using computed property names with []. This method allows a variable to configure the property key:

let key = 'dynamicKey'; let obj = { [key]: 'value' }; // Let's see what we've got console.log(obj.dynamicKey); // 'value', fancy, isn't it?

Spontaneous object property creation

When properties are to be added to an object after its creation, bracket notation is an efficient method. By using a variable for the property key, you can set the object's property on the fly:

let myObj = {}; // A wild object appears let propName = 'status'; let propValue = 'active'; myObj[propName] = propValue; // It's super effective! console.log(myObj[propName]); // 'active'

This flexibility is extremely useful when you have keys that are dynamic, or keys that are illegal identifiers.

Leverage computed property names

With the introduction of ES6, the programming scene was revolutionized with the inclusion of computed property names. Now, expressions can be evaluated as property names in an object literal:

let dynamicKey = 'property_name'; let myObject = { [dynamicKey]: 'value' }; // Now, this is what I call dynamic!

This enhances the syntax by making it more concise and expressive, especially when creating an object in just one line.

The battle of the notations: dot vs bracket

In JavaScript, you have two notations to refer to object properties: dot notation and bracket notation.

The good old dot notation is simple to use, but it has some restrictions. It can refer to predefined property names, meaning, you can't use variables or invalid identifiers as property names with it.

On the other hand, with bracket notation, you can use variables or any damn string as a property name. This flexibility gives bracket notation the power to win in most situations!

let myObj = {}; let propName = "This isn't Spartaaaa!"; myObj[propName] = 'Value'; // Bracket notation: "I'm invincible!"

Unconventional twists

For those who seek extraordinary approaches, I present you IIFEs (Immediately Invoked Function Expressions) and the comma-operator.

IIFEs are self-executing anonymous functions that can be used for defining a property whose value derives from a function:

let myObj = { prop: (function(a) { return a * 42; })(10) }; // 'prop' will be equal to 420, blaze it!

The comma operator may sound unfamiliar, but it's a surprise tool that can help us chain multiple expressions, including property assignments:

let a = 'one', b = 'two', val1 = 42, val2 = 69, myObj = {}; (myObj[a] = val1, myObj[b] = val2); // Sets both 'one' and 'two' on myObj, easy peasy lemon squeezy!

The ES6 "magic"

ES6 also added shorthand property names to the syntax. It increases the conciseness and reduces time in typing, especially when the property name is exactly the same as the variable name:

let a = 'Hello', b = 'World'; let myObj = {a, b}; console.log(myObj.b); // 'World', is your oyster!