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How to concatenate (join) items in a list to a single string

Alex KataevbyAlex Kataev·Sep 12, 2024

To merge a list of strings in Python, we use the join() function as ''.join(my_list). A list is **concatenated** directly without spaces. If required, we can specify a separator like ' ', ','`, etc., within the quotes.


my_list = ['Hello', 'World'] result = ' '.join(my_list) # 'Hello World'

The power of .join()

String concatenation is often performed using a loop and the + operator. But using str.join(), especially designed for this task, is much more efficient.

Why .join() rocks?

  • Memory-efficient: It builds the string in place, no intermediate strings involved.
  • Fast: Specially optimized for joining sequences.
  • Flexible: It allows you to join strings with any separator, not just spaces.

Adjusting delimiters

The str.join() method is adaptable. You can use it with diversify delimiters to format strings to suit various contexts:

words = ['Star', 'Trek'] comma_separated = ','.join(words) # 'Star,Trek' - If you're a fan of comma drama hyphenated = '-'.join(words) # 'Star-Trek' - Bringing hyphen-hysteria to your code newline_joined = '\n'.join(words) # "Star\nTrek" - Perfectly suits those who like spacing out (text files mainly)

Dealing with non-string items

In case the list has non-string content (like integers, floats, etc.), it's advisable to convert them first:

numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 7] concatenated_numbers = ''.join(map(str, numbers)) # '12347', no this is not a typo, it's for the math nerds around

Advanced joining techniques

Take your string structures a notch up using nested join() calls:

digits = "12345" parenthesized = ",".join(digits).join(("(",")")) # '(1,2,3,4,5)' - no, we're not forming a cult

Do remember to validate your material before joining, especially if it's coming from user-input or other inconsistent sources.

The finer details

String conversion

Before beginning the joining process, ensure that all items are strings to avoid a potential TypeError:

my_list = [True, 'to', 2, 'tango'] stringified_list = [str(item) for item in my_list] result = ' '.join(stringified_list) # 'True to 2 tango' - Proof that Python can also dance

Pitfalls to avoid

Although join is overwhelmingly reliable, some precautions never go astray:

  • Empty strings: Joining with empty strings as separators gives a concatenated string with no spaces.
  • Spacing: If you require spaces between the items in your list, do remember to include a space in your separator: ' '.join(my_list), not ''.join(my_list).

Generator expressions: a pro tip

For large lists, consider using a generator expression to avoid creating an intermediate list while converting non-string items:

numbers = range(1000) concatenated_numbers = ''.join(str(num) for num in numbers) # The Force is strong with this one