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How to check if object has any properties in JavaScript?

Nikita BarsukovbyNikita Barsukov·Feb 15, 2025

The quickest way to determine whether an object has any of its own properties is via the Object.keys(obj).length method. If it returns zero, the object is empty.


const isEmpty = Object.keys({}).length === 0; // true. As empty as a politician's promises... just kidding!

This method disregards inherited properties. It's a concise way to indicate whether an object owns any properties.

Deep-diving: alternative approaches

Handling non-enumerable properties

To account for non-enumerable properties, use Object.getOwnPropertyNames(obj).length. It's like Object.keys on steroids.


const hasNonEnumerable = Object.getOwnPropertyNames({prop: 'value'}).length > 0; // true. You can't hide from getOwnPropertyNames!

Checking specific properties

To confirm the existence of a specific property in an object without involving the prototype chain, put hasOwnProperty() to work.


const object = { ownProp: 'exists' }; const hasOwn = object.hasOwnProperty('ownProp'); // true. Property found? Achievement unlocked!

Counting user-defined properties only

If interested in user-defined properties alone, a for...in loop accompanied by hasOwnProperty() is your weapon of choice.


let userDefinedPropertyCount = 0; const object = { foo: 'bar', baz: 'qux' }; for (let key in object) { if (object.hasOwnProperty(key)) { userDefinedPropertyCount++; // Increments faster than my social media followers... } }

Leveraging libraries

For jQuery aficionados, $.isEmptyObject(obj) offers a consistently 'jQuery-esque' approach.


const isEmpty = $.isEmptyObject({}); // true. jQuery not just for DOM manipulation!

In an ES5 environment, consider shims to bolster older browser support for methods like Object.keys.

Nitty-gritty details

Grasping the prototype chain

To distinguish between inherited properties and user-defined properties, get to grips with the prototype chain.


const base = { inheritedProp: 'inherited' }; const obj = Object.create(base); obj.ownProp = 'own'; // 'inheritedProp' is inherited, 'ownProp' is user-defined. It's a family thing!

Controlling property visibility

You can decide which properties are enumerated by Object.defineProperty, controlling their enumerability.


const object = {}; Object.defineProperty(object, 'hidden', { value: 'secret', enumerable: false, }); // 'hidden' won't be counted by Object.keys(). More elusive than my diet plan...

Sidestepping issues

Keep an eye out for edge cases, like objects with inherited non-enumerable properties, which might sneak past your property count.

Streamlining patterns

Encapsulate enumeration logic in a utility function for repeated checks. Efficiency, thy name is isObjectEmpty()!


function isObjectEmpty(obj) { return Object.keys(obj).length === 0; } // Pretty handy function, huh?