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How to check if my string is equal to null?

Nikita BarsukovbyNikita Barsukov·Sep 4, 2024

To verify if a String is null in Java:

if (myString == null) { // Look Mom, no object! }

Remember to declare myString beforehand to dodge runtime errors. If myString could potentially be an empty string, you can include the check using isEmpty():

if (myString == null || myString.isEmpty()) { // Even emptiness needs acknowledgment }

A powerful reminder to verify the variable type and safeguard strings from being misinterpreted before comparison operations.

Understanding the null terrain

In a string's life, it can encounter varying null scenarios. Armed with the right knowledge, you traverse them courageously:

Speaking null and empty

Acknowledging that null and "" (empty) are distinct states for strings is paramount:

  • null is as if the string just disappeared—vanished into thin air.
  • An empty string ("") exists but has no characters. It's similar to an open stage but sadly, no performers.

The world's cruel, and using .equals() on a null reference will get you nothing but NullPointerException. To ward this off, here's a secret spell:

if ("expectedString".equals(myString)) { // Occlumency level: 100 }

Entering Apache Territory

Why work extra when Apache's got you covered? StringUtils.isNotEmpty(myString) from Apache commons-lang ensures a thorough check including whitespace patrol:

if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(myString)) { // Even white spaces can't slide under the radar }

About those "null gotchas"

Life's a bumpy ride and x.field or x.method() will betray you with a NullPointerException if x is null. Always equip yourself with nullity checks before diving into methods or accessing fields.

Mastering null-check techniques

The basics are easy to grasp, but mastering null-checks requires getting your hands dirty:

Literals first, equals() second

To shield against NullPointerExceptions, deploy the reversed .equals()—bait with a literal or a constant first:

if ("Golden Snitch".equals(myString)) { // Catch the snitch, win the game, easy-peasy }

A lifesaver when myString could potentially be null.

Auto-unboxing ambush

When meddling with boxed primitives (like Integer), remember that null refuses to be auto-unboxed:

Integer quidditchPoints = null; int result = quidditchPoints; // Ouch, it's a bludger! NullPointerException

Book of Null-Safe Libraries

Solve the null mystery with libraries like Guava or Apache Commons that offer null-safe charms and StringUtils potions to handle strings effortlessly.

Null lurking in collections

Beware of the streams and collections that may return null. For instance, Map.get() is a trickster that can return null if a key is missing. Therefore, always consider Map.containsKey() or setting up a default value with getOrDefault().