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How to capitalize the first letter of each word in a string in SQL Server

Alex KataevbyAlex Kataev·Nov 9, 2024

Here's a quick solution using the STRING_AGG and STRING_SPLIT functions to capitalize each word in a string.

WITH SplitWords AS ( SELECT UPPER(LEFT(value, 1)) + LOWER(SUBSTRING(value, 2, LEN(value))) AS CapitalizedWord FROM STRING_SPLIT('your example string', ' ') ) SELECT STRING_AGG(CapitalizedWord, ' ') FROM SplitWords;

In essence, this code splits the string into words, capitalizes the first letter of each, and then stitches them back together.

Although this approach works perfectly for most scenarios, let's dive a little deeper to handle tougher edge cases, substantial data volumes, and SQL Server's version constraints.

Tackling special requirements and considerations

Cap it all, consistently: Large dataset handling

In situations involving substantial volumes of data, it's paramount to devise a set-based solution for optimal performance. Here, we employ recursive Common Table Expressions (CTEs), eliminating the need for performance-degrading cursors and loops.

-- "With great recursion comes great responsibility (of CTEs)" - Spider-Man (SQL Edition) WITH SplitWords (word, rest_of_string) AS ( SELECT CAST(LEFT(your_string, CHARINDEX(' ', your_string + ' ') - 1) AS VARCHAR(MAX)) AS word, STUFF(your_string, 1, CHARINDEX(' ', your_string + ' '), '') AS rest_of_string FROM (SELECT 'your example string' AS your_string) AS string_to_split UNION ALL SELECT CAST(LEFT(rest_of_string, CHARINDEX(' ', rest_of_string + ' ') - 1) AS VARCHAR(MAX)), STUFF(rest_of_string, 1, CHARINDEX(' ', rest_of_string + ' '), '') FROM SplitWords WHERE rest_of_string > '' ), CapitalizedWords AS ( SELECT /* Avengers, Assemble! The great wordcap begins here. */ UPPER(LEFT(word, 1)) + LOWER(SUBSTRING(word, 2, LEN(word))) AS CapitalizedWord FROM SplitWords ) SELECT STRING_AGG(CapitalizedWord, ' ') FROM CapitalizedWords;

Bent the rules: Constraint handling

SQL Server versions each come with unique quirks. For instance, STRING_SPLIT is only available from SQL Server 2016 onwards. For earlier versions, leverage a different method like a user-defined function or a well-coordinated combo of CHARINDEX and SUBSTRING operations.

Special care for special characters

If your input string houses special characters, your solution should smartly capitalize only the first alphabet following a non-alphabet or space:

-- "Alphabets. They're just like us. Special." - Not really a SQL quote WITH SplitWords AS ( SELECT value, CHARINDEX(value, 'your-example-string') AS Pos FROM STRING_SPLIT('your-example-string', ' ') WHERE value LIKE '[A-Za-z]%' ), CapitalizedWords AS ( SELECT STUFF(value, 1, 1, UPPER(LEFT(value, 1))) AS CapitalizedWord, Pos FROM SplitWords ) SELECT STUFF(( SELECT '' + CapitalizedWord FROM CapitalizedWords ORDER BY Pos FOR XML PATH(''), TYPE).value('.', 'NVARCHAR(MAX)'), 1, 0, '') AS TitleCase;

Implementing a reusable user-defined function

Reuse, Reduce, Recycle: Crafting a user-defined function

For the sake of reusability and isolation, compartmentalize the logic into a user-defined function (UDF):

CREATE FUNCTION dbo.CapitalizeFirstLetter(@InputString VARCHAR(MAX)) RETURNS VARCHAR(MAX) AS BEGIN -- "Think once, execute any number of times" - Overzealous UDF maxim RETURN (SELECT STRING_AGG(UPPER(LEFT(value, 1)) + LOWER(SUBSTRING(value, 2, LEN(value))), ' ') FROM STRING_SPLIT(@InputString, ' ')); END GO

Apply the UDF as follows:

SELECT dbo.CapitalizeFirstLetter('your example string');