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How to avoid a new line with the 'p' tag

Anton ShumikhinbyAnton Shumikhin·Aug 12, 2024

To keep content in <p> tags on a single line, apply the CSS display: inline; property as follows:

p { display: inline; }

Include it in your HTML:

<p>First part,</p><p>continues here.</p>

Your paragraphs will now flow within a single line without breaks.

Inline display: changing the behavior of <p>

Traditionally, <p> tags create new lines since they're block-level elements. However, we can adjust this behavior with CSS. The display: inline; property manipulates the paragraph to behave like an inline element. Here, <span> can be a favorable choice if multiple inline elements are needed.

<p style="display: inline;">This is my super long text that used to be multiline but not anymore!</p>

This code will ensure your content is keeping the line as if it's promising to keep your secrets.

Using flexbox for intricate layouts

For complex layouts such as carousels where you want images and text to align on the same line, considering CSS Flexbox would be beneficial. It aids in achieving more robust and flexible line arrangements and offers superior alignment control.

.carousel-container { display: flex; /* Ready to do some gymnastics */ flex-flow: row nowrap; /* flex children won't wrap into multiple lines. Not on our watch */ justify-content: center; /* horizontally center aligned element, just like the earth in the universe (I hope that's right) */ align-items: center; /* vertically center aligned element, coz we love balance */ }

This above snippet will effortlessly deliver a horizontally centered carousel where the items won't line-break.

Tackling text wrapping and overflow issues

There might be scenarios where text wrapping is unwanted, and overflow needs to be managed. Custody of CSS properties, like white-space: nowrap; and overflow: hidden;, can save your day.

.no-wrap { white-space: nowrap; /* Text won't break into new lines now */ overflow: hidden; /* Overflow (if any) will be shy and hide itself */ }

This is a very clean way to make sure your content sticks to one line, and any excess is subtly concealed.

Adding complexity: When inline isn't enough

Layout controls with divs and sections

The usage of <div> elements coupled with Flexbox properties or CSS Grid can provide a more comprehensive control when dealing with complex layout structures that need to adapt to different screen sizes.

.container { display: flex; /* Super flexible, yoga expert */ flex-direction: row; /* Kids, form a queue and no pushing */ }

Selecting the right HTML tag

Before jumping into code, ask yourself, "Is <p> the right tag?" Semantics play a crucial role in enhancing web accessibility and SEO. Make sure your tags are semantic, if you're including a code snippet, consider using the <pre> tag instead.