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How to add a second css class with a conditional value in razor MVC 4

Nikita BarsukovbyNikita Barsukov·Aug 27, 2024

Eager to start? Use the Razor MVC 4 syntax below to conditionally append a second CSS class to your HTML element:

<div class="@("base-class" + (IsConditionMet ? " additional-class" : ""))">...</div>

Here, IsConditionMet should be replaced with your condition and base-class is your default class. The additional-class is added only when the condition is met, keeping your markup clean, readable, and focused.

Understanding the syntax

We'll dissect the syntax for more clarity and explore alternatives. An if-else block can also be used for a more explicit demonstration of the conditional syntax:

<div class="base-class @if(IsConditionMet) { <text>additional-class</text> }">...</div>

This notation keeps the conditional logic separate from the class names, enhancing readability and maintainability, especially with complex conditions or lengthy class names.

The model way?

For a cleaner view and better separation of concerns, you can encapsulate the logic inside your model or utilize a helper function:

public string GetCssClass() { // Get your cape ready, Batman! return $"base-class {(Details.Count > 0 ? "additional-class" : string.Empty)}"; }
<div class="@Model.GetCssClass()">...</div>

This approach improves readability, but do remember: with great power comes great responsibility. Be wary of overusing this method and unintentionally bloating your model with non-business concerns.

String formatting: A neat approach

For a structure both appealing and efficient, especially when juggling multiple conditions or classes, use the String.Format method:

<div class="@String.Format("base-class{0}", IsConditionMet ? " additional-class" : "")">...</div>

Checking the end-result

Remember to validate the HTML output, keeping your markup crisp and dodging any potential CSS class assignment mishaps.

Handy reusable functions

Frequently repeating similar code across views? Reusable functions for dynamic class generation save both time and finger stamina. Define these functions in a separate helper class or directly in the view as Razor helper methods.

Code efficiency matters

Opting for readability and concise logic in MVC is like choosing a suit that fits - it makes you look smart and feel comfortable. The Razor code should narrate your model's story smoothly, sans plot twists.

Razor code is like a thriller novel: mystery is good but not when you can't follow the plot.

Accuracy of output

The HTML rendered should reflect the truth:

<div class="details @(Model.Details.Count > 0 ? "show" : "hide")">...</div>

The output differs based on the element state: <div class="details show">...</div> or <div class="details hide">...</div>, thereby illustrating the model's state truthfully in the HTML.

Tailored to your needs

Balancing simplicity, readability, and separation of concerns can be tricky. Your chosen approach for adding conditional CSS classes should fit like a glove to your application's architecture and team's coding practices.