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How do you return the column names of a table?

Alex KataevbyAlex Kataev·Dec 13, 2024

Let's unveil the column names:


Remember to replace 'YourTable' with your table name. This method works on most SQL databases and gives you a nice list of column names.

Exploring other methods to extract column details

A single tool can't fix everything, right? SQL offers various ways to get column names and more metadata. Let's dig in.

Making the most of sp_columns

If you're on SQL Server, sp_columns comes in handy:

EXEC sp_columns @table_name = 'YourTable'; -- "sp_" stands for stored procedure, not spaghetti 🍝.

This method gives you a super-set of information, including data types, default values, and nullability.

Leverage system views

If you're feeling adventurous and wish to dive down directly into system tables:

SELECT name FROM syscolumns WHERE id = OBJECT_ID('YourTable'); -- Not recommended if you're scared of "sys"tems.

One caveat: this method is less portable than INFORMATION_SCHEMA and can get complex, quickly.

Previewing column names, sans data

Want to see column names without the baggage of data?

SELECT * FROM YourTable WHERE 1=2; -- Yes, SQL understands that "1=2" is an illusion 😅.

This won't return any rows, but provides column names as part of the empty result set.

Filtering by TABLE_SCHEMA: Precision is key

When dealing with multiple schemas, filter with TABLE_SCHEMA:

SELECT `COLUMN_NAME` FROM `INFORMATION_SCHEMA`.`COLUMNS` WHERE `TABLE_NAME` = 'YourTable' AND `TABLE_SCHEMA` = 'YourSchema'; -- Accuracy is the key to success…and so is your schema.

Efficient processing: Automate and Optimize Retrieval

Retrieving column names programmatically is a common requirement. Let's make it more efficient and adaptable.

Dynamic SQL: Friends with Stored Procedures

Use dynamic SQL in stored procedures to change the tables on the go:

CREATE PROCEDURE GetColumnNames @TableName varchar(255) AS BEGIN SELECT `COLUMN_NAME` FROM `INFORMATION_SCHEMA`.`COLUMNS` WHERE `TABLE_NAME` = @TableName; END GO -- Changing tables faster than David Blaine 🎲.

This stored procedure can be invoked with different table names for fluid metadata gathering.

Good old caching: Save trips to database

If the server's being pestered for the same table often, consider caching the result of the first query.

Access privileges: Seeing through the locked door

Keep in mind that access to metadata may depend on user permissions. Without adequate rights, INFORMATION_SCHEMA or system tables may appear invisible.

Have it your way: Sorting and Ordering Column Names

The order of column names can be significant, especially if you plan to recreate the table elsewhere.

As per definition: Go with ORDINAL_POSITION

To get the columns in their original order, use ORDINAL_POSITION:


Customized order: Suitable for specific needs

For a custom order that suits your needs better, manipulate the ORDER BY clause.

Getting database metadata is not always smooth sailing. Watch out for these stumbling blocks.

Reserved Keywords: Escaping the trap

If your table or schema names happen to be SQL reserved keywords, ensure you properly quote them.

Know your database: Addressing Inconsistencies

INFORMATION_SCHEMA differs from one SQL variant to another. Always refer to the database-specific documentation.

Twins can be confusing: Address Column Name Conflicts

If JOIN operations cause duplicate column names, be meticulous in differentiating column names.