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How do you create a hidden div that doesn't create a line break or horizontal space?

Alex KataevbyAlex Kataev·Aug 4, 2024

Quickly, here's how you do it. Apply display: none; within the style attribute of your <div>.

<div style="display: none;">This content is gone like last year's memes</div>

The Art of Hiding: The CSS Way

The 'display: none;' technique

Applying display: none; to a <div> will remove it completely from the document flow, thereby creating no spacing.

Disappear without a trace with 'visibility: hidden'

Contrarily, visibility: hidden; just makes the <div> invisible but it still occupies the space it was in.

The secret weapon: HTML 'hidden' attribute

HTML5 introduces a simple, uncomplicated method to vanish <div> elements without affecting layout - the hidden attribute. Though, it might be invisible to older browsers.

Strategic decision for hiding elements

Choose a method that aligns with your web design plan:

  • Pack it in a separate .hidden class in your CSS file for easy reuse.
  • Provide CSS fallbacks. The hidden attribute sometimes plays hide-and-seek with older web browsers.
  • Maintain the semantic purpose of the hidden div while making your choice.

Remarkable Resurrections & Other Tricks

Resurrecting hidden elements

Hidden divs storing info for JavaScript manipulation can be revived to the display without adjusting content layout.

The power of classes

Create a toggle switch for your hidden elements with JavaScript:

.hidden { display: none; }



I promise, it won't flicker like a haunted house light.

Ensuring Accessibility

When you use aria-hidden="true", assistive technologies read it as "Nothing to see here, move along". Thus, hidden content does not obstruct accessibility.

Platform Transcendent Solutions

Modern easter eggs

The hidden attribute might not work too well with older browsers, like ants at an ant-eater party. Use CSS for wider browser compatibility.

Responsive but not indiscreet

In responsive design, preserve the access of hidden content. Hide only the unnecessary and consider your users' navigational needs.

The 'pesky elements' workaround

Sometimes, elements like inline elements or table columns play hide and seek differently. Special hiding strategies might be necessary to prevent weird layout responses.