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How do you automatically set text box to Uppercase?

Nikita BarsukovbyNikita Barsukov·Feb 13, 2025

To ensure all text in a HTML text box is uppercase, use CSS for display and JavaScript for synchronizing data.


input.uppercase { text-transform: uppercase; } /* Just a sprinkle of uppercaseness */


<input type="text" class="uppercase" />


let txtBox = document.querySelector('.uppercase'); txtBox.addEventListener('input', function() { let cursorPos = this.selectionStart; // "Remember where you were..." this.value = this.value.toUpperCase(); // "Everybody transform now!" this.setSelectionRange(cursorPos, cursorPos); // "...and you're back!" });

Add the CSS for immediate visual transformation, and the JavaScript code will ensure uppercase input upon typing.

Speed breaker: Understanding the details

When automating the uppercase transformation for text inputs there are key elements involved to ensure consistent data processing and a seamless UX.

Data appearance vs Data reality

Don't get carried away by the CSS text-transform style: it changes the appearance not the actual data. That's where JavaScript's toUpperCase() steps in!

Cursor: The time traveler

Dread the user wrath when cursor decides to time travel to the end post transformation—maintain cursor position with JavaScript's selectionStart and setSelectionRange.

Safety net for server-side processing

In the realm of server-side consistency, JavaScript reigns supreme. CSS is just one of those fancy things that doesn't mirror the actual data.

The art of event listener

Opt for event listeners over inline JS to maintain your coding standards and to avoid potential security concerns with inline scripting.

Problem spots and solutions

Placeholders: Tread lightly

Whenever the royal decree of uppercase transformation arrives, make sure placeholders remain safe. Styles can't touch them in the safe haven of CSS pseudo-elements.

Inline styles, where less is more

When you've declared a CSS class congrats! but redundant inline styles? That's a no-go! Inline styles are bad and that's why we put it in an input field, right?

"Required" fields, handle with care

Remember, an input field could be empty, so you don't accidentally point the uppercase mandate in their direction worsening their "required" existential crisis.

Real-world uses of transformation

Real-time data entry

In operation-critical applications, like stock trading tools, uppercase inputs increase clarity and reduce ambiguity.

On form submission

For any data form submissions, transforming user's input to uppercase can ensure standardized data reaching the backend, reducing processing redundancies.

UI consistency

The UI finesse—apply the text-transform for a uniform textual display across the user-interface.