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How do I select an entire row which has the largest ID in the table?

Nikita BarsukovbyNikita Barsukov·Sep 4, 2024

Here's the fast track to get your entire row with the maximum ID in your_table:


/** "Fast track", get it? 'Cause it's a Fast answer... Alright, I'll show myself out. */

This query first orders the rows from the highest to lowest ID (ORDER BY id DESC), and then fetches only the topmost record (LIMIT 1).

Strategies for unique and non-unique large IDs

Popularity can be a double-edged sword. If your maximum ID is unique, handling it is easy. Things get tricky when the maximum ID is a popular fellow. Let's tackle both scenarios:

1. Unique Maximum ID: Adding LIMIT to your life

As long as your maximum ID is unique, use the ORDER BY and LIMIT tag team:


/** LIMIT 1 - When your SQL query has commitment issues. */

2. Non-unique Maximum ID: Employ the 'Sub-Select' Secret Service

When maximum ID values are not unique, a single row won't cut it. Bring on the sub-select:

SELECT * FROM your_table WHERE id = (SELECT MAX(id) FROM your_table);

/** Now that's a subquery with a spy mission: Fetch all rows with the max ID! */

Secret SQL weapons: Analytical functions

The analytical functions RANK() or ROW_NUMBER() can give you control with style:

SELECT * FROM ( SELECT *, RANK() OVER (ORDER BY id DESC) AS rank FROM your_table ) ranked WHERE rank = 1;

/** Who needs regular functions when you have analytical functions strutting down SQL Avenue? */ In this glamorous query, each row gets a rank based on the id value. Rows with the maximum IDs will have a rank of 1. Finally, chew on a piece of this outer query cake.

Shedding spotlight on specific situations

In the glamorous world of SQL, not everything is black and white. Let's sparkle some colour:

Ensuring repeat performance with non-unique IDs

If your ID values can pull off multiple characters, the combination of ORDER BY and LIMIT 1 can lead your query performance to a red carpet disaster. Here's the blockbuster sequel fix:

SELECT * FROM your_table WHERE id = (SELECT MAX(id) FROM your_table) ORDER BY another_field LIMIT 1;

/** Who doesn't love a sequel that's better than the original?! */

MAX(id) within WHERE clause: Because who likes clutter?

Using SELECT MAX(id) within a subquery in the WHERE clause is like picking the Oscar winner without the red carpet. It avoids the overhead of a grand event or, in SQL terms, avoids sorting:

SELECT * FROM your_table WHERE id = (SELECT MAX(id) FROM your_table);

/** A subquery with a purpose, so fresh and clean! */

Using CTEs, window functions, or JOINs when Maximum ID is not enough

Your table queries can be more complex, demanding more than just a printout of the highest ID. That's when CTEs, window functions, or JOIN operations come to the rescue, so you don't need to compromise!