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How do I import other Python files?

Alex KataevbyAlex Kataev·Sep 7, 2024

So you need to import code in Python? No problem, here's your crash course.

If you have a file in the same directory, use the filename without the '.py' to import it:

# Importing the whole module import module # Now we can access things with module.function()

Or, pick a function or variable for a 'guided tour':

# Importing a specific function from the module from module import function_name # Now we can call function_name() directly

If your file is the recluse type and lives somewhere else, extend sys.path to reach there:

import sys sys.path.append('/secluded/path/to/module_directory') import module # Found ya!

Dynamic Imports — Change is Constant

For those times when you need some improv skills and import modules dynamically, importlib library is the showstopper:

import importlib module_name = "my_fickle_module" # Can change during runtime! module = importlib.import_module(module_name) # Ta-da! Module imported!

Words of wisdom: importlib is potent, understanding dynamic loading is crucial before plastering it over your codebase.

Sorting Modules in Packages — Marie Kondo Style

A rule of thumb for any aspiring Marie Kondo in the world of coding — organize your files into nifty packages when your project grows fangs:

# The project structure gone Marie Kondo could look like this # my_package/ # ├── __init__.py # ├── subpackage1/ # │ ├── __init__.py # │ └── module1.py # └── subpackage2/ # ├── __init__.py # └── module2.py

Want a function from module1.py BJ (Before Junk)? Here's how:

from my_package.subpackage1.module1 import specific_function

The key is explicit imports for more readable and maintainable code.

Import Practices that Spark Joy

Here are some golden rules for mindful importing to keep confusion at bay:

  • Avoid import * like the plague. It mars the clean namespace.
  • Absolute imports > relative imports in the race for clarity.
  • Tread lightly with sys.path, prefer absolute paths for non-local imports.
  • Look up import hooks if the basic ones just don't cut it.

Dodged any Import Pitfalls Lately?

To keep your code from falling apart across environments, watch out for these:

  • Module Availability: Ensure external modules are handy or properly packed before releasing your code to the wilderness.
  • Path Dependencies: Beware the hard-coded paths, the "my machine" excuse may not cut it for others.
  • Cyclic Imports: Roundabout dependencies can bring your code to a halt. Modularize your code — be a coder, not a circle drawer.
  • Namespace Collisions: Unwanted crossovers happen; explicit imports (from module import function) can act as the crossing guard.

Embrace the Future of Python Coding

Time to get trendy! Stay abreast of the latest Python updates and features to simplify your importing game:

  • Module type annotations: Python 3.7+ offers module type checking to guarantee code quality.
  • Better packaging tools: poetry and pipenv are the maestros that manage dependencies and virtual environments, affecting your import resolutions.