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How do I get monitor resolution in Python?

Alex KataevbyAlex Kataev·Sep 5, 2024

Here's your expedited, hassle-free method to obtain monitor resolutions using the screeninfo package:

from screeninfo import get_monitors for m in get_monitors(): print(f"{m.name} {m.width}x{m.height}")

Make sure screeninfo is properly installed in your environment via pip install screeninfo. You can now run the code snippet to output resolutions of all connected monitors. Fast food style, aye?

Toolbox: Alternative Python techniques

screeninfo is quite versatile, but let's enlarge our toolset with alternative methods. Each has its own silver lining, helping you pick your perfect instrument.

Windows specific: ctypes and its Windows API magic

For the Windows aficionados out there, ctypes is your genie in the bottle. It gives you what you want without the need for pywin32 or any external aids. The ctypes spell:

import ctypes # Who needs a wand when you have ctypes? user32 = ctypes.windll.user32 user32.SetProcessDPIAware() width = user32.GetSystemMetrics(0) height = user32.GetSystemMetrics(1) print(f"Resolution: {width}x{height}")

Why this little magic trick?

  • No external library: It directly dabbles with Windows API.
  • DPI aware: SetProcessDPIAware helps perceive the real-world dimensions on high-DPI displays.

Timeless classic: tkinter

Python's classic GUI library tkinter is yet another tool in our kit to fetch screen sizes, minimalistically:

import tkinter as tk root = tk.Tk() width = root.winfo_screenwidth() height = root.winfo_screenheight() root.destroy() print(f"Resolution: {width}x{height}")

Why this evergreen shot?

  • No extra downloads: Tkinter is part of Python's standard universe.
  • Universal solution: Works happily on different operating systems.

GUI-oriented: wxPython

For those sailing in wxPython's boat, you can fetch monitor resolution with a simple one-liner:

import wx # GUI wisdom in a line app = wx.App(False) width, height = wx.GetDisplaySize() print(f"Resolution: {width}x{height}")

Why row with wxPython's oar?

  • Integration bliss: Seamlessly fits into your wxPython GUI framework.
  • Simplicity: One call does it all.

Building a fortress: considerations for robust solutions

To ensure your code is not only functional but triumphantly robust and adaptable, consider these watchtowers:

  • Multiple monitors: Test if your adapted method is a crowd-pleaser, welcoming each connected monitor.
  • DPI scaling: High-DPI displays are the norm, your chosen method should join their fan club.
  • Cross-platform compatibility: If OSes are your stage, your method should be an all-round performer.
  • Platform-specific demands: When tackling niche platform needs, direct API conversations may bear fruit.

The High DPI Diaries

In the dazzling world of high-resolution displays, it's crucial to be DPI-conversant. Here's how with ctypes you speak the high-DPI language on Windows:

from ctypes import windll # Hello, DPI! Let's talk windll.shcore.SetProcessDpiAwareness(1)

This step ensures your Python script doesn't get bamboozled by DPI virtualization, reporting misleading screen sizes.

The Open-Source Saga

Community-powered beasts like screeninfo are always on the move. Stay on the heels of the latest contributions or chances are you'll miss out. Review the GitHub repository and PyPI page regularly for upgrades or enhancements by the community.