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How do I copy to the clipboard in JavaScript?

Nikita BarsukovbyNikita Barsukov·Feb 12, 2025

The standard practice to copy text in JavaScript involves the navigator.clipboard.writeText(text) method. Execution of this method should occur during an event like onclick:

button.addEventListener('click', () => { // We are now stepping into a world where we can manipulate the clipboard! const text = 'Text to copy'; navigator.clipboard.writeText(text) .then(() => console.log('Copied to clipboard!')) .catch(err => console.error('Too bad, copying failed', err)); });

Remember, this only works within user-initiated events due to security reasons.

Step-by-step breakdown

  1. User actions activation: Pasting to the clipboard necessitates user actions such as clicks or keypresses to satisfy current web security standards.

  2. Using navigator.clipboard.writeText: This asynchronous function is the optimal choice for copying plain text. It's worth noting that this must be used in a secure context—most modern browsers support this method if served over HTTPS. Do keep in mind to avoid it being blocked on the main thread.

  3. Fallback approach — document.execCommand('copy'): When navigator.clipboard isn't available (perhaps on older browsers or HTTP sites), consider using the crusty, but reliable document.execCommand('copy'). This method is deprecated, and can behave sporadically—use with care!

function fallbackCopyTextToClipboard(text) { const textArea = document.createElement("textarea"); textArea.value = text; // We're about to force Edge to behave. textArea.style.position = 'fixed'; document.body.appendChild(textArea); textArea.focus(); textArea.select(); // You could throw an exception—even if you're not exceptional. try { const copyingSuccess = document.execCommand('copy'); const successMessage = copyingSuccess ? 'successful' : 'unsuccessful'; console.log(`Fallback: The text was ${successMessage} copied`); } catch (err) { console.error('Fallback: Too bad we couldn’t copy', err); } // Uh-oh cleanup time document.body.removeChild(textArea); }

Tackling the unknowns — Edge and IE

From the frontline of cross-browser compatibility, comes our next move. Dealing with Internet Explorer (IE) requires addressing its idiosyncrasies—like invoking the createTextRange method:

const textRange = document.body.createTextRange(); textRange.moveToElementText(document.getElementById('content')); textRange.select().createTextRange(); document.execCommand("copy");

In the realm of Microsoft Edge, to prevent a sudden leap to the bottom when a hidden textarea is focused, you can outsmart it by shoving its position off-screen:

textArea.style.top = 0; textArea.style.left = '-9999px'; // You go there, when things go out of bounds. textArea.style.position = 'absolute';

Lastly, proactively checking feature availability with document.queryCommandSupported('copy') helps confirm your copying superpowers before embarking on the operation.

Advanced clipboard — copying rich content

When you want to impress your date by coping more than just plain text—maybe a multilayered rich text or images, your sure-shot trick is to follow the broad instructions outlined in the Clipboard API's copy event:

document.addEventListener('copy', (event) => { const clipboardData = event.clipboardData || window.clipboardData; // Presto! Content is flown from document to clipboard! clipboardData.setData('text/plain', 'Text to be copied'); // If you tell the default action to buzz off, it listens event.preventDefault(); });

Remember, manual handling of events and DataTransfer objects would need more knowledge under the hood. But hey, the control you gain is absolute!

User interface - Putting 'em in control

Make all your clipboard instructions user-centric. The user should captain the ship—initiating the copy action in most cases, preferably via a dedicated button or link. Throw in a confirmation of a successful copying to reassure your users:

function copyToClipboard(text) { if (!navigator.clipboard) { window.prompt('Copy to clipboard: Ctrl+C, Enter', text); return; } // I hate to say it, but you gotta handle your errors navigator.clipboard.writeText(text).catch(err => { // No worries, this is old school copying for a tougher world window.prompt('Copy to clipboard: Ctrl+C, Enter', text); console.error('Async: Could not copy text: ', err); }); }

This savvy function prompts the user to copy the text manually when the programmatic approach nose-dives, ensuring that functionality always wins over API tantrums.