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How do I apply the for-each loop to every character in a String?

Nikita BarsukovbyNikita Barsukov·Aug 28, 2024

To iterate over each character in a Java String, use .toCharArray() to convert the string to a char array and implement a for-each loop.

String str = "Example"; for (char c : str.toCharArray()) { // Prints each character followed by a space, because why not give characters some room! System.out.print(c + " "); }

This executes the loop for every character, printing them with a space in between.

Alternative Techniques for Character Iteration

Sure, .toCharArray() is a neat method for iterating every character in a String, but it's not the only game in town. It does, however, call for defensive copying and can result in higher memory usage. Let's explore other methods to achieve the same result, each with its own quirks.

Traditional For Loop with charAt()

A regular for loop employing .charAt() can avoid the extra array, at the cost of being a shade more verbose:

String str = "Loopy"; for (int i = 0; i < str.length(); i++) { // Iteration with a classic vibe. System.out.print(str.charAt(i) + " "); }

Streamy Waves with Java 8 chars()

Java 8 gave us the .chars() method, spewing out an IntStream of character values. But beware, the casting monster(int to char) lurks in these waters!

str.chars().forEach(ch -> System.out.print((char)ch + " ")); // Chars are just misunderstood ints.

Eclipse Iteration via CharAdapter

If you fancy a modern and efficient way to sail through character seas, Eclipse Collections' CharAdapter is your ship. All aboard the System.out::print express!

CharAdapter.from(str).forEach(System.out::print); // Who needs arrays when you can directly print?

Safety Precautions: Defensive Copying

Strings in Java are immutable. So, why the fuss over defensive copying with .toCharArray()? It's a guard against mutation during iteration, ensuring the integrity of the original String remains intact.

Meeting the Iteration Alternatives

There's CharacterIterator and other fancy iterators offering more functionality—like bidirectional iteration—but they might be overkill for simpler errands.

Weighing on the Memory Scale

Bulky Strings can tip the memory scale when using .toCharArray(). Hence, the preference for tools like charAt(), especially for memory-intensive applications.


Here's the String iteration process broken into understandable steps:

Assume String is a train and characters are passengers:

String train: "HELLO"

The for-each loop acts like a conductor inspecting tickets:

for(char passenger : train.toCharArray()) { // 'H', 'E', 'L', 'L', 'O' - every ticket is valid! System.out.println(passenger); }

Each stop corresponds to the print out of a character passenger:

Train Stops: | 'H' | 'E' | 'L' | 'L' | 'O' |

So, our conductor (for-each loop) makes sure he greets each passenger (character)! 🎟️👋

Flavours of For-Each

Beware, the for-each loop can't be directly applied to a String since it's not your typical array or Iterable. Hence, the indispensable role of .toCharArray() in adapting the String to a for-each loop pattern.

More Than Printing Characters

Let's say you don't just want to print out characters. Guess what? You can store each char in a variable for further processing.

for(char c : str.toCharArray()) { char processedChar = processChar(c); // ... The world is your oyster with processedChar ... }

Diving Deeper With Java 8 Streams

Java 8 Streams are not just about displaying characters but can handle more complex tasks like filtering, mapping, and so on:

str.chars() .filter(Character::isUpperCase) .forEach(ch -> System.out.print((char)ch + " ")); // Shout out to uppercase letters!

Lindy Hopping with Characters

Beware, some operations demand careful character encoding and internationalization. Trustworthy methods like Character.toTitleCase may come to your rescue while hopping across such hurdles.