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How can I write a test which expects an 'Error' to be thrown in Jasmine?

Anton ShumikhinbyAnton Shumikhin·Sep 10, 2024

For a quick error expectation in Jasmine, make use of toThrowError() chained with expect where the function is wrapped in an arrow function:

expect(() => myFunctionThatShouldThrow()).toThrowError();

This simply tests that the function myFunctionThatShouldThrow throws an error when called. You may modify the .toThrowError() to suit your test case for different Error types or messages.

Digging Deeper: Probing Specific Exceptions

When tests get more complex, here are a few error scenarios you might encounter:

1. Checking for Precise Error Messages

If you're looking for specific error messages, this is your magic wand:

// This comment is waiting for an error message, where is it? 😂 expect(() => myFunction()).toThrowError("Specific error message");

2. Error Type Expectation

What's the type of the error? TypeError? RangeError? toThrowErrorOfType has got you covered:

// Hoping for a TypeError like an error-hunting enthusiast! 🧐 expect(() => myFunction()).toThrowErrorOfType('TypeError');

3. Advanced Error Testing with Jasmine Matchers

If your test cases are as complex as quantum physics, then Jasmine-Matchers might be a good friend:

// Prepared for any error, hands on the shotgun expecting anything that moves! 😎 expect(() => myFunction()).toThrowAnyError();

4. Custom Expectations with Custom Matchers

In need of custom expectations? Jasmine allows for tasty homemade custom matchers note for your exceptional situations.

Context Management: ES5's bind to the Rescue

When functions need a certain context or pre-set arguments, the bind can be very helpful:

// Bind to the rescue, handling context and arguments like a ninja! 🦸 expect(myFunction.bind(context, arg1, arg2)).toThrowError();

Nuanced Approach in Excellence

1. Sturdy Tests: Exception Types Over Messages

Assert the type of exception rather than the specific messages—a change in messages shouldn't break the titanium of your tests!

2. Syntax Decisions: ES5 vs ES6

Know which battlefield you're in—ES5 or ES6—your syntax for defining the test functions may differ (function() vs arrow () =>).

Best Practices: Striving for Mastery

1. Giving the Correct Function a Swing

Make sure you're swinging at the right function in your test:

// This might throw... Actually no, it won't 😅 expect(() => incorrectFunction()).not.toThrowError(); // This has to throw... Yes, it does! 🎯 expect(() => correctFunction()).toThrowError();

2. Strings and Error Messages: Perfect Marriage

Don't forget, your specific error messages should always be dressed in strings when in toThrowError.

3. Elegance Personified: Preparing your Function Call

Ever heard of dressing up before the party? Do the same with your function call:

// Dressing up the function for the big event... 🎩 let boundFunction = myFunction.bind(context, arg1, arg2); // Now it's showtime! 🎉 expect(boundFunction).toThrowError();