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How can I tell what edition of SQL Server runs on the machine?

Nikita BarsukovbyNikita Barsukov·Aug 8, 2024

Instantly determine your SQL Server edition by executing a single T-SQL command:

-- "Knock knock" -- "Who's there?" -- "SER" -- "SER who?" -- "SERVERPROPERTY('Edition')" SELECT SERVERPROPERTY('Edition')

This will promptly display your server type, whether it's Express, Standard, Enterprise, Developer, or any other variant.

Breaking down EditionIDs

For a deep-dive into the intricacies of your SQL Server edition, dive into EditionID values. These are unique identifiers for the editions, revealing a lot about the specific type you're dealing with:


Match the returned number to your edition:

  • -1592396055 — Express Edition (for those who like to travel light)
  • -1534726760 — Standard Edition (for the every-day, reliable server needs)
  • 1804890536 — Enterprise Edition (when you mean some serious business)
  • -2117995310 — Developer Edition (who says developers can't have their own toys?)

A peek into version milestones

Not all SQL Servers are created equal. They're ushered into existence in different versions and builds, and evolve through service packs and updates. Here’s how to get the whole story:

-- "The server whispers its life story..." SELECT @@version

With this, you enter a realm of rich details encompassing the product level (Service Pack, CU), the version, and the ID that comes within the version string, giving you unprecedented insights into what's under the hood.

Capabilities and limitations per edition

Knowing what your SQL Server can do and can't do helps you make informed decisions about your setup. Every SQL Server edition is a mixed bag of unique capabilities and inevitable limitations. Here's how the major editions stack up:

  • Enterprise Edition pulls out all stops, offering premium features like high availability through Always On, Failover Clustering.
  • Developer Edition, though mirroring the feature set of the Enterprise, is intended for non-production use.
  • The free, lighter Express Edition is a great fit for small-scale standalone applications, but keep an eye on the CPU support and maximum database size!

It's like matching the right gear to the terrain. Ensure that your edition supports the features you rely on!

SQL Server editions and versions, just like people, need the right compatibility level to communicate effectively. Details about the SQL Server version and edition are indispensable when you set up replication or linked servers.

Continuous improvement and updates

Microsoft keeps adding cool new features and improving upon existing ones with every SQL Server edition. Therefore, staying updated on the latest additions and changes in your favourite SQL Server edition can open up new possibilities and optimizations in your database management strategy.