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How can I randomly select an item from a list?

Alex KataevbyAlex KataevΒ·Aug 15, 2024

To randomly pick an item from a list in Python, use random.choice().

The example below demonstrates its proper usage:

import random item = random.choice(['apple', 'banana', 'cherry']) # Expect any of these fruits. Surprise! πŸŽ‰

Diving deeper: Advanced random selection methods

Python is rich in tools for picking random elements. Let's go through some of the most frequently used ones, categorized by their use cases.

When you're handling sensitive data πŸ•΅οΈβ€β™€οΈ

Python's secrets module offers cryptographically strong randomness, ideal for picking random entries from lists containing sensitive information.

import secrets secure_item = secrets.choice(['secret1', 'secret2', 'secret3']) # Shhh! It's a secret! 🀫

Python version compatibility 🐍

For codebases running on Python versions prior to 3.6, use random.SystemRandom().choice() for a more secure random choice.

import random sys_random = random.SystemRandom() secure_item_pre36 = sys_random.choice(['option1', 'option2', 'option3']) # Time travelling to Python Jurassic πŸ¦–

Multiple distinct items selected randomly 🎰

random.sample() can be used to select multiple distinct elements randomly.

import random items = random.sample(['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'], 2) # Double the fun! 🎈🎈

Better still, you can select two items succinctly. Let's try this,

first, second = random.sample(['apple', 'banana', 'cherry'], 2) # Fruit salad, anyone? 🍏🍌

Sets, but make them random πŸ‘Ύ

Types unsupported directly by random.choice(), such as sets, can be converted to lists or tuples:

# Sets are like the honey badgers of Python. They just don't care (for order)! πŸ˜† import random random_item_from_set = random.choice(tuple({1, 2, 3})) # Convert the set to a tuple, then pick a number 🎰

Randomized indexing with randrange πŸ”’

When you need a random index to retrieve the element, randrange() generates a random index within the list length range.

from random import randrange idx = randrange(len(my_list)) # Surprise me, Python! random_item_via_index = my_list[idx] # Who will be the chosen one? 🎁

Pointers for pythonic randomness

Choose simplicity, unless stronger security measures are needed. random.choice() is usually sufficient, but sensitive applications call for secrets.choice(). When you need multiple items without repeats, random.sample() comes to the rescue.

Edge cases in lists can call for extra steps before random selection.

Uneven odds 🎲

Weight the odds in favor of certain list items using random.choices():

# Pick a fight outcome. Spoiler: You more likely to win! πŸ’ͺ import random weighted_item = random.choices(['Win', 'Lose', 'Draw'], weights=[10, 1, 1], k=1)[0]

For non-list iterables πŸ”„

Iterables such as generators can also feed into random selection upon conversion to lists:

# Generators: Saving memory, one number at a time! πŸš€ gen = (x for x in range(10)) # Generator expression random_gen_item = random.choice(list(gen)) # Converts generator to list, then selects.

No-replacement multiple random selections πŸ™…β€β™€οΈ

If you'd rather not allow selection repetition, use random.sample() in place of multiple random.choice() calls:

# Instead of this, which may repeat choices...πŸ” repeated_choices = [random.choice(my_list) for _ in range(2)] # Use this, to keep things fresh! πŸƒ sampled_once = random.sample(my_list, 2)