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How can I get list of values from dict?

Anton ShumikhinbyAnton Shumikhin·Aug 23, 2024

To retrieve values from a dictionary as a list, use list(dict.values()). For example:

# No diploma needed! It's as simple as this. dict_values = list({'a': 1, 'b': 2}.values()) print(dict_values) # outputs [1, 2]

Exploring different collection types

Depending on your use case, you might prefer using collection types other than lists for your values:

Using set for unique values

A set is useful if you are looking for unique values:

unique_values = set(your_dict.values())

Using tuple for an immutable collection

A tuple is your go-to if you need an immutable collection:

immutable_values = tuple(your_dict.values())

Dynamic nature of the values() method

What happens if your dictionary changes after you've retrieved its values? Well, dict.values() returns a dynamic view on the dictionary's values. This view changes when the dictionary changes.

Dynamic values() method in practice

# Define a dictionary. d = {'a': 1, 'b': 2} # Get a view on the dictionary's values. values_view = d.values() # Add another key-value to the dictionary. d['c'] = 3 # See what happened to your values. Surprised? print(values_view) # dict_values([1, 2, 3])

Consider the speed: efficiency matters

The performance of your Python script can be influenced by the size of your dictionary and your specific environment.

Timing is everything: measuring with timeit

# When speed matters... test it! import timeit timeit.timeit("list(d.values())", globals={'d': your_dict})

Flexibility in value extraction

For more complex scenarios, where values are to be manipulated, list comprehensions or map with lambda may come in handy.

Filtering with list comprehension

# Only the evens! We work 9 to 5 around here. even_values = [val for val in your_dict.values() if val % 2 == 0]

Transforming values with map and lambda

# Sneakily adding 1 to every value. Don't tell anyone! incremented_values = list(map(lambda x: x + 1, your_dict.values()))

Extracting values for specific keys

When you want to extract values of specific keys, itemgetter() becomes your best friend.

Efficiency with itemgetter()

from operator import itemgetter # Just like asking for directions! keys = ['a', 'c'] values = itemgetter(*keys)(your_dict)

Embrace data structures per use-case

Different use cases call for different data structures. Considering them can make a noticeable difference.

Default values with defaultdict

# Guarantees that no one goes without! from collections import defaultdict d = defaultdict(int) d['a'] += 1

Maintaining insertion order with OrderedDict

# Remembering the order of things. What were we talking about again? from collections import OrderedDict od = OrderedDict([('a', 1), ('b', 2)])

Platform specifics do matter

What works best on one platform might not on another. Software and hardware environments influence the performance. Hence, it's always best to test in your specific setting.

Successful error handling and efficient troubleshooting

Familiarizing yourself with common errors and how to troubleshoot them will surely improve your coding effectiveness.

Avoiding 'KeyError'

If the arrays change while using methods like itemgetter(), you might face a KeyError. Be careful!

Mind your memory

Big dictionaries can consume a lot of memory. Monitor your program's usage to avoid running out of memory... unless you fancy buying more RAM!