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How can I get an element's ID value with JavaScript?

Alex KataevbyAlex Kataev·Aug 27, 2024

To get an element's ID in JavaScript, select the element with document.querySelector if you know the CSS selector, or document.getElementById if you have the ID. Then, use the .id property to retrieve the ID value:

var element = document.querySelector('.example'); // Targets CSS selector '.example' like a pro! // OR var element = document.getElementById('example'); // Targets element ID 'example', cool! var idValue = element.id; // 'example' is the big winner!

Update .example or 'example' as per your selector or ID to fetch its ID property.

Handling multiple IDs: Loop

Multiple IDs for similar elements? No problem! Use getElementsByTagName to hoard elements by tag and loop through to access each of their IDs:

var inputs = document.getElementsByTagName("input"); for (var i = 0; i < inputs.length; i++) { console.log(inputs[i].id); // Logging each input's ID, one by one. Just like a bakery line! }

Event-based ID retrieval: the Marvel way

For Spider-Man level reflexes, i.e., events, tackle it with this.id in an event listener:

document.addEventListener('click', function(e) { if(e.target.tagName === 'BUTTON') { alert(e.target.id); // "Surprise!" - The ID of the clicked button } });

Combining powers with jQuery: One ID ring to rule them all

If jQuery is in your toolkit, grabbing an element's ID is as easy as eating pie:

$('#example').on('click', function() { alert($(this).attr('id')); // Shouts 'example', the ring has been found! });

jQuery's each function is a wizard for multiple elements:

$('input').each(function() { alert($(this).attr('id')); // Reveals the ID of each precious (input element)! });

Pro-Tips for your DOM adventures

It exists! Acknowledgement before Access

Ensure the element is real before accessing the .id, just like crossing a bridge you can see:

var element = document.getElementById('example'); if(element) { // Does the element exist or is it a figment of your imagination? var idValue = element.id; // Now that it's real, you can get the 'id' } else { // Oh no! The element doesn't exist, send a recovery crew! }

The tech chronicles: IDs in JS frameworks

In the mystical lands of JS frameworks like Angular or React, accessing IDs is an exotic practice:

// A React Tale <Button id="uniqueButton" onClick={(e) => console.log(e.target.id)} /> // An Angular Saga <button id="uniqueButton" (click)="logId($event)"></button> // Fellow knights and queens, find the .ts piece of the puzzle logId(event: Event) { console.log((event.target as HTMLButtonElement).id); }

Every code has a cost: Performance Considerations

While getElementById is as swift as an arrow, a querySelector might be a lumbering giant with complex selectors. Be mindful of the energy your spells consume in large, sprawling kingdom (large-scale applications).