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How can I force a long string without any blank to be wrapped?

Alex KataevbyAlex Kataev·Sep 9, 2024

Use CSS overflow-wrap: break-word; to break and wrap long strings:

.wrap-it { overflow-wrap: break-word; /* Guillotine for verbose texts */ }

Apply class="wrap-it" to your element:

<div class="wrap-it">veryverylongstringwithnospaces....</div>

This style will break away the long string and wrap it snugly within its container.

Exploring text wrapping landscapes

No spaces? No problem! CSS overflow-wrap: break-word; handles these cases. For block-level elements like <div> or <p>, specific width or relative max-width offer control over the wrap point:

.wrap-it { overflow-wrap: break-word; width: 200px; /* Don't hog the viewport, dude! */ }

Zero-width spaces: 007 of wrapping

For the James Bonds among strings - secret sequences, like DNA signatures, you can insert zero-width spaces (&#8203;) at certain intervals. This doesn't change the content but tells browsers where to wrap:

<div class="wrap-it"> ATCG&#8203;GGTA&#8203;CCAT&#8203;... /* Message in a bottle */ </div>

White-space: the Swiss army knife of wrapping

Granular control is key in certain scenarios. White-space properties come to the rescue. white-space: pre-wrap; maintains original formatting, useful for poetry or source code. Experiment with pre-line or break-all for different wrapping results.

Overflow: should it stay or should it scroll now?

Wrapping alone doesn't always cut it. Overflow: auto; and width constraints ensure content doesn't sneak out of the container while preserving your design. It add scrollbars when necessary:

.neat-and-clean { overflow: auto; width: 100%; /* Set your boundaries, text! */ }

Cross-browser savvy

overflow-wrap: break-word; works well, but different browsers can throw tantrums. Set up test cases to ensure consistency on various devices and browsers. Remember, your perfect Chrome wrapping might not charm Safari.

CSS properties: external vs. inline styles

External CSS is the new black. Inline styles scatter across HTML tags, making future updates harder than hunting bugs at 2 am. Make life easy, use external CSS classes:

.break-style { word-wrap: break-word; /* "Unbearably long string? Hold my beer!" */ }

Soft-hyphens: the fancy wrap

For times when strings should break evenly, HTML soft-hyphens (&shy;) are the perfect fit. Exhibit caution, as browser support might vary:

<div class="wrap-it"> An&shy;ex&shy;am&shy;ple&shy;stringwithsoft&shy;hyphens... /* Hyphens borrowed from Mrs. Hyphen */ </div>

Test, test, test. Different browsers render these differently; Firefox and Safari aren't the best of pals.