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How can I fix 'android.os.NetworkOnMainThreadException'?

Anton ShumikhinbyAnton Shumikhin·Sep 16, 2024

To dodge the dreaded NetworkOnMainThreadException, orchestrate network calls inside an AsyncTask. Use doInBackground() for backstage operations and onPostExecute() to update the UI spectacle.

new AsyncTask<Void, Void, String>() { @Override protected String doInBackground(Void... params) { // Network call here - imagine you're a wizard with a spell book! return "Gotcha!"; } @Override protected void onPostExecute(String magicSpells) { // Revel in your victory here - firework time! } }.execute();

This spell ensures the network labours are run on the side-stage, keeping the Main stage glitch-free.

Methods to slay the Networking Dragon

AsyncTask might be your Excalibur today, but since its deprecation in API 30, newer ways have come into the light:

  • java.util.concurrent: Apt for concurrent tasks, bring out your 'ThreadPoolExecutor' or 'FutureTask'.
  • ViewModel and LiveData: The dynamic duo for responsive UI with independent backstage processing.
  • HandlerThread: Heavier tasks, meet your match!

The key to Internet Kingdom and XML secrets

Don't forget the golden key — declare android.permission.INTERNET in your AndroidManifest.xml. For RSS mysteries, adopt XML parsing with SAXParserFactory and XMLReader, and team them up with a RssHandler, your very own XML whizz.

Unleash the potential of background services

IntentService and custom Service are two knights you can count on for your network operations — lending you better handling and control:

  • IntentService: Manages a queue of requests on a separate worker thread — a knight with a strategy.
  • Service with Executors: Custom Service with ExecutorService gives you tighter reins over thread management.

Catch exceptions and clean up after!

Err on the side of caution — remember to outfit doInBackground with proper catch blocks. Once you've nabbed your network data, close your resources like InputStreams. Memory leaks just spoil the party!

The Runnable way, Same thread different fun!

Looking for more control over threading? Try Thread and Runnable. Your network tasks find a home in the run() method of Runnable and thread.start() acts as your starter gun!

Say Hi to lifecycle-aware Android components

How about making your App smarter? ViewModel and LiveData from the Android Architecture Components are your ticket to a cleaner code and no memory leaks!

Register your Background Services

Background services like Service or IntentService need a place in your AndroidManifest.xml, else Android is clueless. And yes, IntentService and your Activity can share their secrets through a PendingIntent!