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How can I check if an object is an array?

Anton ShumikhinbyAnton Shumikhin·Aug 11, 2024

The hero of our story is Array.isArray() — it's the quickest and most reliable method to determine if an item is an array, and it doesn't get fooled.

console.log(Array.isArray([1, 2, 3])); // Logs: true. Now, that's an array! console.log(Array.isArray({})); // Logs: false. Nope, that's an object!

Going beyond Array.isArray()

There are times when Array.isArray() isn't supported, such as in older browsers and quirky JavaScript environments. Here are your options then:

Using legacy methods

  • Play detective with Object.prototype.toString.call(variable), it'll give you [object type] where type can be Array.
  • Deploy the simple variable instanceof Array, but be advised, this method gets confused when dealing with iframes.
  • Rely on the constructor property using variable.constructor === Array. Watch out though, this one trips over window or frame boundaries.

Handling non-array types

  • When a dish best served as an array, use Array.from(variable) to convert array-likes and iterables into bona fide arrays.
  • Encase non-array items within an array using [].concat(variable) or [variable]. Comes handy when you don't want the no-arrays-allowed party crashers.

Dealing with strings

  • Confirm variable is not stringing you along with typeof variable === 'string', before morphing it into an array.
  • Transform single or multiple string inputs into arrays via [].concat(variable.split('')) or [variable.split('')], because variety is the spice of coding life.

Beware of caveats

  • Run a !!variable check first to prevent type-checking errors, because nobody likes a crash, digital or otherwise.

Array imposters

Array-like objects can fool you into thinking they're real arrays. Here's how you can spot the difference:

Spotting fakes

  • Array-like objects may look and walk like arrays, but they don't talk like arrays, missing array-specific methods like pop, push etc.
  • Don't be duped by arguments, NodeList, and custom objects, they may show you their length property, but they don't inherit from Array.prototype.

In the modern age of ES6

Remember, the world has moved on to ES6 and so have arrays. With new syntax and features, arrays have become easier to deal with.

ES6 and array handling

  • Array.from() not only checks but converts array-likes and iterables to arrays, doing two tasks for the price of one.
  • The spread syntax like [...array1, ...array2] helps you combine arrays, curved swords, dragon bones... wait, wrong script!

Watch out for TypedArrays

  • Watch out for the type-casting wizards called TypedArrays, they may seem like arrays, but they're just mimicking them.

A word on performance

Performance matters, especially when you're handling large volumes of data:

Testing your methods

  • Test out different array-checking techniques on benchmarking platforms like jsben.ch to see which is the speedy gonzales.
  • Remember, performance can vary across browsers and engines. Like, Firefox may feel different from Chrome, also, engines matter (V8, SpiderMonkey, you get the idea).

Code optimisation

  • Paranoid about speed? Cache the Array.isArray() technique, especially when using within tight loops.
  • And definitely avoid recalculations or multiple conversions within loops. Like mama always says, don't repeat yourself (DRY).

When even Array.isArray fails?

In super rare cases, even Array.isArray may not be available. Polyfill to the rescue!

Writing a polyfill

  • Bring in an imposter to act like Array.isArray with Object.prototype.toString.call(variable) === '[object Array]'.
  • Hide it behind Array.isArray if the real McCoy doesn't exist.

One last type check

  • As always, before implementing a fallback, feature-detect to safeguard against potential over-optimizations.

In conclusion

Remember: Coding is like playing a musical instrument. The key is practice. Go forth and multiply...err...code! If this answer rocks your boat, do vote it up! Happy Coding!👩‍💻