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Getresourceasstream returns null

Nikita BarsukovbyNikita Barsukov·Aug 22, 2024

If getResourceAsStream yields null, make sure you check:

  1. Path validity – Skip the leading slash; it's relative to the classpath root.
  2. Proper location – Your resources must align with your package hierarchy.
  3. Conforming to build tools – For Maven/Gradle, position resources in src/main/resources.
InputStream is = getClass().getResourceAsStream("yourfile.ext"); // Use 'is' if non-null. If it's null, well, Houston we have a problem.

In the above code, replace "yourfile.ext" with your actual file name, authenticating it’s correctly placed in your project structure.

Decoding class loading

When working with getResourceAsStream, keep in mind the under-the-hood operations of class loaders in Java:

  1. Class vs. ClassLoader: ClassLoader conventionally loads resources based on absolute paths. However, the Class.getResourceAsStream() can fetch by the relative paths in the very considerate package delivery system.

  2. BufferedInputStream for speed: To speed-read, wrap your input stream with a BufferedInputStream.

  3. Syntax magic: Forward slashes (/) are your friends for cross-platform compatibility, and also, absolute paths start with /.

  4. Dealing with exceptions: It's always a smart move to handle potential IOExceptions during file reading to avoid unwanted surprises during runtime.

Packing your JARs right

Here's how to make sure you don’t miss any resource:

  • See what you built: Always check your final build output, ensuring the desired resources are compiled into the JAR. Peek-a-boo!

  • IDEs and build tools: Leverage automated resource inclusion features of your IDE or build tools like Maven or Gradle.

  • Resource directory magic: Your resources fit best under the resources directory, keeping in line with the standard Maven/Gradle directory layout.

Specific cases to watch

As you navigate getResourceAsStream, keep these golden rules close:

  • Class path: Verify you're loading resources aligned with your class path. Remember, resources in src/main/resources get a free ticket to the root of the class path.
  • Class and file location: Using Lifepaths.class.getResourceAsStream("/initialization/Lifepaths.txt")? Ensure this structure mirrors your classes' package structure.
  • Forward slashes FTW: Regardless of your OS, use forward slashes / for universal compatibility.
  • No to getClass().getClass(): Avoid calling getClass().getClass().getResourceAsStream(...), it's not a magic spell. Stick to either getClass() or the .class syntax of a specific class.