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Get the week start date and week end date from week number

Alex KataevbyAlex Kataev·Jan 6, 2025

Straight to the SQL expressions to find the start (Monday) and end (Sunday) dates for a specific ISO week and year:

Week Start:

-- Replace @Year and @WeekNumber to customize SELECT DATEADD(week, @WeekNumber - 1, DATEADD(day, 1 - DATEPART(weekday, DATEFROMPARTS(@Year, 1, 1)), DATEFROMPARTS(@Year, 1, 1))) AS StartDate

Week End:

-- Yeah! We love weekends! SELECT DATEADD(day, 6, DATEADD(week, @WeekNumber - 1, DATEADD(day, 1 - DATEPART(weekday, DATEFROMPARTS(@Year, 1, 1)), DATEFROMPARTS(@Year, 1, 1)))) AS EndDate

Replace @Year and @WeekNumber. Adapt the 1 in 1 - DATEPART if your weeks start on another day.

Behind the Scenes: A Deep Dive into SQL Date Arithmetic

It's Monday, So I Must Declare Variables

DATEADD and DATEPART are the power behind SQL Server's ability to play with dates. See them in action with a “week number” example, ensuring your query sits well with @@DATEFIRST, SQL Server's week-start setting.

-- SQL Server considers Sunday as the first day of the week by default, let's set Monday as first SET DATEFIRST 1;

Using DATEPART and DATEADD for Precision Date Calculations

DATEPART retrieves a weekday as a number, helping us calculate days to add/subtract to align with week boundaries.

DATEADD shifts in time by adding or subtracting units (days, weeks, months, etc.) to a base date.

-- Let's vacation one week from now! SELECT DATEADD(week, 1, GETDATE()) AS OneWeekFromNow;

Variable Dates are Better Than Static Ones!

Maximize the flexibility by employing parameters or variable dates:

DECLARE @Year INT, @WeekNumber INT; SET @Year = 2023; -- Sarah Connor might not like this year SET @WeekNumber = 15;

SQL's Got You Covered for Various DATEFIRST Settings

Ensure your script withstands different @@DATEFIRST values. As DJ Khaled would say: "Always test – that's the major key!"

Example: Week 15 Start and End Dates (ISO Week Number System)

Specify Week 15 of 2023 and watch as SQL Server nimbly fetches the start and end dates:

-- Who's up for a trip to Week 15? DECLARE @Year INT = 2023, @WeekNumber INT = 15; SELECT DATEADD(day, 1 - DATEPART(weekday, DATEFROMPARTS(@Year, 1, 1)), DATEADD(week, @WeekNumber - 1, DATEFROMPARTS(@Year, 1, 1))) AS StartDate;

No getting lost in time with concrete boundaries laid out for each week!

Tackling Non-standard Week Numbers and Leap Years

Leap Years Don't Have To Be a Leap of Faith!

Leap Years bring an extra day to the party. Test against a range of years (both leap and non-leap) to affirm the integrity of your solution. The code won't leap off a cliff, we promise!

Not All Week Number Systems are Born Equal

For non-standard week number systems, you'll need to adjust your calculations. Give your code a dose of notes and documentation to avoid surprising your successors or future self.
