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Get the data received in a Flask request

Alex KataevbyAlex Kataev·Aug 27, 2024

Extract Flask request data effortlessly: request.args for URL parameters, request.form for form submissions, and request.json for JSON data. For example, processing JSON from a POST request can be as simple as:

@app.route('/', methods=['POST']) def handle_post(): # Route to the JSON galaxy return request.json

With this, handle_post processes and returns JSON data sent through a POST request.

Exploring data types in Flask requests

When working with Flask applications, you encounter a variety of request data types. Here's how you can handle each.


To handle application/json content, there are a couple of mechanisms:

  • Use request.json when the MIME type is accurately set.
  • For a failsafe, use request.get_json(force=True), irrespective of the content type.

Note: If JSON parsing fails, request.json will yield None, whereas request.data will hold the raw byte string.

Form Data

For form submissions, use request.form. This does not require specification of content type.

  • Get values using request.form['key'].
  • Protect optional fields with request.form.get('key').
  • Fetch all values tied to a key using request.form.getlist('key').

File Uploads

File uploads are handled using request.files:

  • Ensure the form's enctype is set to "multipart/form-data".
  • Fetch a file using file = request.files['file_key'].

Query Parameters and Combined Data

URL query parameters can be accessed via request.args, while request.values provides a merged view.

  • Access query parameters with request.args.get('key').
  • Find both URL and form data with request.values['key'], with URL parameters taking precedence.

Raw Data Access

In certain circumstances, the raw request data might be needed:

  • To handle unusual content types or binary data, use request.get_data().
  • This technique bypasses Flask’s inbuilt parsing mechanisms providing byte data.

Context Handling Based on Request Method

Check request.method to adapt between GET and POST:

@app.route('/submit', methods=['GET', 'POST']) def submit(): if request.method == 'POST': # Need to call POSTmaster for handling post data else: # GETting stuff done here

Deep diving into Flask requests

Handling Headers and Content-Type

Certain headers might need to be managed:

  • Always include Content-Type: application/json for JSON requests.
  • For API consumption, use curl with -H for headers or tools like Postman.

Testing and Troubleshooting

To test endpoints:

  • Use curl or similar utilities, such as Postman.
  • Pass data for POST requests with -d.
  • Set headers with -H.

Write the tests ensuring that the right content type and request methods are used.

Giving JSON Responses

To respond with JSON data, use jsonify() or return a dictionary:

from flask import jsonify @app.route('/data') def data(): # An API a day keeps the headaches away return jsonify({'key': 'value'})

Debugging Parsing Issues

Inspect what's in request.data and request.form. If there's a mismatch in content type, then data might not parse correctly.