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Get file name from URL

Nikita BarsukovbyNikita Barsukov·Aug 14, 2024

Extract the file name from a URL in Java swiftly by using Paths.get and Path.getFileName:

// The sledgehammer approach, ideal for tough nuts String fileName = Paths.get(new URL(yourUrl).getPath()).getFileName().toString();

Substitute yourUrl with your actual URL. This one-liner cuts out the file name from the URL.

Indigenous and third-party approaches

Embracing Apache commons-io

To elevate your efficiency, Apache commons-io library is your pal:

// Hey look, Apache commons-io is doing all the heavy lifting for us! String baseName = FilenameUtils.getBaseName(url.getPath()); String extension = FilenameUtils.getExtension(url.getPath()); String fullName = FilenameUtils.getName(url.getPath());

These functions drastically simplify the nitty-gritty tasks of file handling.

Pure Java style

For those who believe in self-reliance, substring extraction does the trick:

// Using substring feels like carving a sculpture. It's all in the details! String urlPath = url.getPath(); String fileName = urlPath.substring(urlPath.lastIndexOf('/') + 1); String fileBaseName = fileName.substring(0, fileName.lastIndexOf('.'));

Designed with simplicity and clarity in mind, the above method is as easy as it gets.

Angel in disguise: Edge cases

Don't forget to tackle malformed URLs and URLs that come without file extensions, because every cloud has a silver lining.

// Note to self: Not every URL has a pretty bow tied at the end if (fileName.lastIndexOf('.') == -1) { // Handle the case without an extension }

Under the hood and best practices

All-weather URI parsing

To tackle a variety of URI formats and protocols, URI objects are your reliable partners:

// URI, the mighty Swiss knife against URL inconsistencies String fileName = Paths.get(new URI(yourUrl).getPath()).getFileName().toString();

This method ensures your code remains bulletproof across network variations.

Regex, the double-edged sword

In the land of convoluted URL structures, regular expressions are your knight in shining armor:

// Regex: Not the hero we deserve, but the one we desperately need! String fileName = url.getPath().replaceAll(".*/([^/?]+).*", "$1");

Yet remain cautious, as regex, while powerful, can leave a maintenance headache.

Apache commons-io, the unsung hero

Turn common file operations with Commons IO into a walk in the park:

// My personal butler for file-related matters, Apache commons-io String fileName = new File(new URL(yourUrl).toURI()).getName();

This method offloads our burden of dealing with the complexities of the underlying file system.