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Get count of records affected by INSERT or UPDATE in PostgreSQL

Anton ShumikhinbyAnton ShumikhinΒ·Feb 8, 2025

To pinpoint the row count impacted by an INSERT or UPDATE operation in PostgreSQL, wield the RETURNING clause followed by count(*) inside a subquery. It's like Batman using his utility belt – efficient and effective!

For INSERT, consider this example:

-- It's like READY... STEADY... INSERT INTO table_name (column1, column2) VALUES (value1, value2) RETURNING null; -- GO!

All wrapped up in SELECT count(*), like a nice little burrito 🌯:

-- One SQL burrito, coming right up! SELECT count(*) FROM ( INSERT INTO table_name (column1, column2) VALUES (value1, value2) RETURNING * ) as subquery;

This method is equally effective for UPDATE.

In PL/pgSQL scripts make use of GET DIAGNOSTICS:

-- Let's call Sherlock Holmes to find out the row count mystery! DO $$ DECLARE rows_affected int; -- Watson, jot this down please! BEGIN UPDATE table_name SET column1 = value1 WHERE column2 = 'condition'; GET DIAGNOSTICS rows_affected = ROW_COUNT; -- Sherlock nods approvingly RAISE NOTICE 'Rows affected: %', rows_affected; -- Case solved! END $$;

Practical guide: Counting records efficiently

Transaction management: The fine art

Within a transaction, maintaining appropriate data integrity and performance is essential. It's like being a skilled juggler in a crowded market – you don't want to drop any of your chainsaws, do you? So, if an update or insert operation falters, perform a rollback:

BEGIN; -- Insert or Update ... It feels like casting a spell! ROLLBACK; -- Reverso if something goes south!

If all goes as planned, wrap it up with a commit:

COMMIT; -- It's like mic drop moment!

JDBC management: Another fine art

If JDBC is your tool of choice while connecting to PostgreSQL, the record count management is done through executeUpdate:

// Boom! Gimme the modified count. int affectedRows = statement.executeUpdate();

That variable right there holds the golden number of the impacted rows.

Cozying up with your driver: Compatibility matters

Ensure your PostgreSQL driver and RETURNING syntax are on speaking terms. Incompatibility is so last season! Might be the right time to give your driver a little upgrade to the latest version. This will ensure smooth support for latest syntax and PostgreSQL features including our hero – the record count.

Supercharging with WITH queries

Utilizing WITH queries, or Common Table Expressions (CTEs), is like adding a turbo boost to your operations. Combined with the RETURNING clause, you harness the true power of efficient data management:

-- Fasten your seatbelts! WITH rows AS ( UPDATE table_name SET column1 = value1 WHERE column2 = 'condition' RETURNING * -- Voila! ) SELECT count(*) FROM rows; -- Check the scoreboard!

Evading data traps: Multiple row modifications

When performing an UPDATE across multiple rows, it's like walking a tightrope - keep your balance and ensure your RETURNING clause counts the correct number of modified rows:

-- Let's paint the whole town red! UPDATE table_name SET column1 = 'new_value' -- New paint, anyone? WHERE column2 > 10 RETURNING *; -- Show me the masterpiece!

Defense strategies: Common pitfalls to avoid

Always be vigilant! Long running transactions in high concurrency environments are like ticking time bombs – they might lead to performance bottlenecks or deadlocks, so handle with care! Likewise, always ensure the syntax you employ is in sync with your PostgreSQL version – it's like making sure your shoes match your outfit!