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Get a list of all threads currently running in Java

Anton ShumikhinbyAnton Shumikhin·Aug 8, 2024

Quickly retrieve all running threads with the getAllStackTraces().keySet() method in the Thread class, and loop through them to print their names:

Thread.getAllStackTraces().keySet().forEach(t -> System.out.println(t.getName()));

This short and sweet one-liner displays the names of all the currently active threads in your JVM.

In-depth thread retrieval walkthrough

When dealing with concurrent applications, being able to understand and manage the threads running can be quite useful. The Thread.getAllStackTraces().keySet() function is our friend here, as it efficiently manages to fetch the threads across a wide range of instances. Let's alternate with some other methods too, just to keep our threads on their toes.

Other ways to skin a thread

No threads were harmed in the making of this guide by the way, we're just metaphorically skinning them here:

  • Thread Groups: You can also organize a hunt starting from the root instance of ThreadGroup using activeCount() and enumerate() methods.
ThreadGroup rootGroup = Thread.currentThread().getThreadGroup().getParent(); while (rootGroup.getParent() != null) { rootGroup = rootGroup.getParent(); } Thread[] threads = new Thread[1000]; // Wishful thinking for a big turnup int enumerationCount = rootGroup.enumerate(threads, true); // Well, that escalated quickly. Let's keep trying: while (enumerationCount == threads.length) { threads = new Thread[enumerationCount * 2]; enumerationCount = rootGroup.enumerate(threads, true); } for (Thread t : threads) { if (t != null) { System.out.println(t.getName()); // Yay! You're invited to the party } }
  • ThreadMXBean Interface: When you need a superhero, call ThreadMXBean, the thread's own Sherlock, to get detailed insights.
ThreadMXBean threadInspector = ManagementFactory.getThreadMXBean(); for (long id : threadInspector.getAllThreadIds()) { ThreadInfo threadDetails = threadInspector.getThreadInfo(id); System.out.println(threadDetails.getThreadName() + " / " + threadDetails.getThreadState()); // It's elementary, my dear Watson! }

User-friendly monitoring tools

But, if you're not into coding much, no worries, I've got your back. Check out these tools:

  • JConsole: An easy-peasy, GUI tool that lists all the threads for your viewing pleasure.
  • Signal Handling: Want a full thread dump? Just signal them (Ctrl+Break on Windows or kill -QUIT pid on Linux). They'll spill the beans.

What could possibly go wrong?

Before you jump into thread execution, beware of the Boogeyman:

  • Performance: Don't be a resource hog! Continually checking threads might grind your performance.
  • Access Denied: The security manager might not appreciate your snooping.
  • Change is the only constant: Remember that the thread list might change while you are processing it.
  • Memory: As the Romans said: "Too many threads spoil the JVM's memory heap."