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Generating random strings with T-SQL

Anton ShumikhinbyAnton Shumikhin·Sep 13, 2024

To generate a 10-character random string in T-SQL, use:

SELECT SUBSTRING(CONVERT(varchar(36), NEWID()), 1, 10) AS RandomString

This uses NEWID() to generate a unique identifier, CONVERT to transform it to a varchar type, and SUBSTRING to extract the desired number of characters.

To exclude dashes, which are part of the GUID, use REPLACE:

SELECT REPLACE(SUBSTRING(CONVERT(varchar(36), NEWID()), 1, 13), '-', '') AS RandomString

For high-volume usage, use crypt_gen_random() instead:

SELECT SUBSTRING(CONVERT(varchar(36), CRYPT_GEN_RANDOM(10)), 1, 10) AS RandomString

Deeper dive into T-SQL

Implementing custom characters

For specific character sets, create a T-SQL function for control:

CREATE FUNCTION dbo.GenerateRandomString(@Length int) RETURNS NVARCHAR(100) AS BEGIN -- "I have exactly 62 reasons to love SQL." - Random SQL Dev DECLARE @characters NVARCHAR(62) = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789', @output NVARCHAR(100) = '' WHILE LEN(@output) < @Length BEGIN SELECT @output = @output + SUBSTRING(@characters, CONVERT(int, rand() * LEN(@characters)) + 1, 1) END RETURN @output END

Then call the function:

SELECT dbo.GenerateRandomString(10) AS RandomString

Addressing unwanted characters

If you need to exclude certain characters when generating your string, CHARINDEX can be applied recursively:

-- "It's like getting extra cilantro when you said 'no cilantro'." - Dev who hates '-' WHILE CHARINDEX('-', @RandomString) > 0 BEGIN SET @RandomString = REPLACE(@RandomString, '-', '') END

Increasing randomness factor

For added randomness, or when you want to make your DBA scratch their head, advance the random seed:

-- "Because GUIDs are just too mainstream." - Hipster Dev SELECT SUBSTRING(CONVERT(varchar(36), NEWID()), 1, 10) + SUBSTRING(CONVERT(varchar(36), HASHBYTES('md5', CONVERT(varbinary, GETDATE()))), 1, 10)

Optimizing large-scale generation

For generating large volumes of strings, optimize for performance. Here's how you could do it:

-- "Because doing things faster matters. Ask any Hare." - Tortoise SQL developer INSERT INTO YourTable (RandomString) SELECT TOP (1000000) REPLACE(SUBSTRING(CONVERT(varchar(36), NEWID()), 1, 13), '-', '') AS RandomString FROM SomeLargeTable;

Ensuring reproducibility

Need the same batch of random strings again? Employ a seeded RAND method for reproducibility:

-- 'As predictable as my morning coffee.' - Dev who likes routine SELECT CHAR(ROUND((RAND(12345) * 25) + 65, 0))

Crafting perfect strings

Adjusting string length

Different scenarios, different length requirements. Adjust the SUBSTRING method:

-- 'There's no such thing as one size fits all.' - Wise SQL Sage DECLARE @DesiredLength INT = 15; SELECT SUBSTRING(CONVERT(varchar(36), NEWID()), 1, @DesiredLength) AS RandomString

Evading common pitfalls

Off-by-one errors could ruin your party. Always double-check:

-- 'Cause nobody likes an uninvited guest.' - DBA who dislikes errors SELECT LEN(RandomString), RandomString FROM (SELECT SUBSTRING(CONVERT(varchar(36), NEWID()), 1, 10) AS RandomString) AS DerivedTable