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Export schema without data

Anton ShumikhinbyAnton Shumikhin·Nov 2, 2024

Quickly export your SQL schema without data in MySQL by leveraging the mysqldump command with --no-data:

# It's like asking someone to describe a pizza, but not what's on it. mysqldump -u username -p --no-data dbname > schema.sql

Or PostgreSQL databases can utilize pg_dump with --schema-only:

# It's like describing a car, but not what's inside it. pg_dump -U username --schema-only dbname > schema.sql

Both commands churn out a DDL script that recreates your database structure, but with absolutely no data.

Detailed instructions and variations

Getting the bare structure for MySQL

For MySQL, you want to use the mysqldump --no-data command. Here's how you use it:

Exporting just the database structure:

# Have a party, and invite the database, but not the data. mysqldump -u username -h localhost --no-data -p database > database.sql

Don't forget to replace username, localhost, and database with your actual values and information. The -p flag will ask for your password, enhancing security.

Exporting a specific table structure:

# It's "table for one", just the structure, not the data. mysqldump -u username -h localhost --no-data -p database tablename > table.sql

Want to export stored procedures, triggers, and events as well:

Include --routines, --triggers, and --events flags. Added bells and whistles:

mysqldump -u username --no-data --routines --triggers --events --result-file=schema.sql database

Getting the framework for PostgreSQL

In PostgreSQL, you can use the pg_dump --schema-only. Plus some extra secret sauce:

pg_dump -U username --schema-only --sequences --no-owner dbname > schema.sql

For SQLite lovers

For SQLite databases, .schema is your friend:

# Like getting the skeleton of the database, and leaving the flesh out. sqlite3 dbname.db .schema > schema.sql

Handling potential pitfalls and ensuring security

Dealing with ginormous schema structures

Large schemas might require you to tweak memory or time-out settings. The --single-transaction flag is your friend for avoiding locks on InnoDB tables.

Keeping your password a secret

You wouldn't put your credit card PIN on a billboard, and you shouldn't put your password on the command line. Use -p and wait for the prompt or use a configuration file.

Cross-version compatibility

Ensure the generated schema works in the destination database version. It's like made sure a DVD works in your DVD player before the movie night.

Tailoring your extraction

Hand-pick what you want to export. Use --skip-definer to avoid privilege issues. Or exclude tables with --ignore-table:

mysqldump -u username --no-data --ignore-table=database.tablename –-result-file=schema.sql database