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Equivalent of explode() to work with strings in MySQL

Anton ShumikhinbyAnton Shumikhin·Nov 27, 2024

To emulate PHP's explode() in MySQL, SUBSTRING_INDEX() can become your best companion. It comes handy when you need to split a string like 'a,b,c' into rows:

# 'a, b, c' is gonna 'explode' in 3...2...1... SELECT SUBSTRING_INDEX(SUBSTRING_INDEX('a,b,c', ',', numbers.n), ',', -1) as value FROM ( SELECT 1 n UNION SELECT 2 UNION SELECT 3 ) numbers WHERE numbers.n <= 1 + LENGTH('a,b,c') - LENGTH(REPLACE('a,b,c', ',', ''));

This gives you a table with rows containing 'a', 'b', and 'c'. It's the SUBSTRING_INDEX() function working together with a series of integers, indicating the position in your list.

Building a custom SPLIT_STRING function

Having a custom function in MySQL is liberating, providing flexibility when you work with strings. To illustrate, let's mimic PHP's explode() function in MySQL by developing a SPLIT_STRING function:

# Define | Rule the world DELIMITER $$ CREATE FUNCTION SPLIT_STRING(str TEXT, delim VARCHAR(12), pos INT) RETURNS TEXT BEGIN # It's time to explode...in a UNICODE-safe way! RETURN SUBSTRING_INDEX(SUBSTRING_INDEX(str, delim, pos), delim, -1); END$$ DELIMITER ;

This function can be precisely used to compare data elements like sports scores, where the order can vary:

# Game on! SELECT SPLIT_STRING(score, '-', 1) AS team1_score, SPLIT_STRING(score, '-', 2) AS team2_score FROM game_results;

Creating ordered split strings via stored procedures

Those who say MySQL doesn't support AUTO_INCREMENT feature in temporary tables have not tried stored procedures. With REPLACE, CONCAT, and temporary tables, you can split strings with an inherent order:

# Challenge accepted! DELIMITER $$ CREATE PROCEDURE ExplodeString(source VARCHAR(255), delimiter VARCHAR(5)) BEGIN DECLARE id INT DEFAULT 0; DECLARE value VARCHAR(255); # Cleanup! Expensive operation though – use with caution. DROP TABLE IF EXISTS temp_explode; CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE temp_explode (id INT AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, value VARCHAR(255)); WHILE CHAR_LENGTH(source) > 0 DO SET value = SUBSTRING_INDEX(source, delimiter, 1); INSERT INTO temp_explode (value) VALUES (value); SET source = REPLACE(source, CONCAT(value, delimiter), ''); SET id = id + 1; END WHILE; SELECT value FROM temp_explode ORDER BY id; END$$ DELIMITER ;

To use the stored procedure:

# Pick up the phone...proceduureee! CALL ExplodeString('score1-score2-score3', '-');

Reversing roles with SUBSTRING_INDEX

By using the SUBSTRING_INDEX, you can effortlessly access elements even if your data is in reverse order:

# Explode it! ... Now walk it back... SELECT SUBSTRING_INDEX(SUBSTRING_INDEX(field, delimiter, position), delimiter, -1) as part FROM your_table;

Using string functions for data comparisons

Comparing numerical strings

While working with strings, you often need to perform numerical comparisons. In this context, CAST() or CONVERT() functions come in handy:

# Goal! ... Oh wait, it's offside SELECT CAST(SPLIT_STRING(score, '-', 1) AS UNSIGNED) AS team1_score, CAST(SPLIT_STRING(score, '-', 2) AS UNSIGNED) AS team2_score FROM game_results;

Finding substrings with CHAR_LENGTH and LOCATE

If you need to find positions of specific substrings, CHAR_LENGTH() and LOCATE() are the experts:

# Where is Waldo (the delimiter)? SELECT LOCATE('-', field) FROM your_table;