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Disable color change of anchor tag when visited

Nikita BarsukovbyNikita Barsukov·Dec 20, 2024

Stop visited links from changing color by applying the same styles to the :link and :visited pseudo-classes:

a:link, a:visited { color: blue; // It's always a blue kind of day }

This rule ensures that the link always stays blue no matter its visit status.

Role of pseudo-classes sequence

Anchor pseudo-classes sequence plays a key role in CSS styling. Remember the acronym—LoVe/HAte (link, visited, hover, active). The correct sequence is:

a:link {} // For standard link love a:visited {} // Visited link, seen and loved a:hover {} // The attraction is mutual a:active {} // We are getting serious now!

To completely remove the visited color, you can simply skip defining a color for the :visited pseudo-class:

a:link, a:hover, a:active { color: black; // Let's stick with classic black }

Keeping it consistent

A consistent user experience can be achieved by using the inherit value. This ensures the anchor retains the color of its parent element:

a, a:visited, a:hover, a:active { color: inherit; // Like father, like son }

The browser-default approach

A universal method without defining a manual color for visited links involves employing system color values:

a:visited { color: LinkText; } // Default yet classy

Note: System color values like LinkText might not be supported across all browsers. They should be used wisely, keeping in mind the potential compatibility issues.

Sass and @extend

While using Sass, @extend can avoid repetitions. However, be cautious as it might inflate the CSS file size.

a:visited { @extend .regular-link; // Practicing DRY code, stay hydrated ;) }

Use @extend sparingly to retain the balance between maintainability and performance.