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Difference between EXISTS and IN in SQL?

Anton ShumikhinbyAnton Shumikhin·Oct 7, 2024

EXISTS: Returns TRUE once it finds a match in the subquery- great for complex subqueries involving large data sets.

IN: Scans through the complete list from a subquery, even after a match is found- helpful when dealing with smaller data sets or static lists.

EXISTS use-case:

/* 'Sherlock Holmes' mode: find if at least one order exists per customer */ SELECT * FROM customers WHERE EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM orders WHERE customers.id = orders.customer_id);

IN use-case:

/* 'Dinner party host' mode: find if customer id is on the 'invited' list */ SELECT * FROM customers WHERE id IN (SELECT customer_id FROM orders);

EXISTS is your buddy for larger or complex subqueries, whereas IN is a simple and sweet choice for smaller sets or specific value lists.

Your choice: EXISTS or IN?

When it comes to deciding between EXISTS and IN, performance plays a crucial role. Use EXISTS when dealing with large data sets, and IN when it comes to static values.

Null Considerations

Here's a curveball: EXISTS can handle NULL comparisons, whereas IN might yield unexpected results when dealing with them.

Conditional Checks

For conditional checks, EXISTS is a top-notch choice. It is much faster as it stops its operation as soon as it finds the first match - no need for COUNT!

Joins and Comparisons

JOIN with IN might get tricky - get ready for inefficiency and slower operations! Choose EXISTS instead, for a smoother and quicker experience.

Dealing with Query Optimizers

Both EXISTS and IN are subjected to the magical functionality of the SQL Query Optimizer. Different SQL engines might have different takes on optimizing them, especially the older engines, which might struggle with IN optimization.

Modern SQL Engines

Advancements in modern SQL engines have improved IN optimization, reducing performance issues to a minimum.

Efficiency with EXISTS

EXISTS brings along efficiency by retrieving minimum data. Once it finds a match, it stops – unlike IN, which checks against the entire list, even after finding a match.

REAL Cases for Using EXISTS and IN

Let’s get into the shoes of EXISTS and IN and understand their applicability in real-world scenarios.

Large Data Sets Operations

Tired of handling large data sets? Let EXISTS do the work:

/* Imagine EXISTS as a DJ stopping the music as soon as the police arrives */ SELECT * FROM products p WHERE EXISTS (SELECT * FROM inventory i WHERE i.product_id = p.id AND i.quantity > 0);

Static Value Comparisons

IN is perfect when handling static values or constants:

/* Picture IN as a doorman checking everyone against a VIP list */ SELECT * FROM employee WHERE department_id IN (1, 2, 3);

Big Set Comparisons

Got to run a comparison operation on a bunch of large result sets? EXISTS comes to the rescue:

/* EXISTS' Spidey-sense is tingling for users with big orders */ SELECT * FROM users u WHERE EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM orders o WHERE u.id = o.user_id AND o.total > 1000);

Subqueries on Steroids

Does your query involve checking for related entries in one table against another one? Correlated subqueries with EXISTS are here to save the day:

/* EXISTS is the Gandalf of SQL, '"You shall not pass!" unless approved' */ SELECT a.* FROM articles a WHERE EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM comments c WHERE c.article_id = a.id AND c.approved = 'true');

Optimization Dilemma

Remember, different DB systems have different optimization techniques. Be aware of the rule and cost optimizers of the database systems you're using. It helps make an informed decision on choosing EXISTS or IN.


Think of EXISTS as a flashlight (🔦) searching for something in a room and IN as a checklist (✅📋) for a grocery shopping trip.

EXISTS (🔦): Is there *something* meaningful in the room? - Stops searching upon finding the **first item**. - Efficient for **large rooms** (subqueries). IN (✅📋): Do I have all items on my list? - Scans through **every item** in the room. - Can be sluggish for **large shopping lists** (large datasets).

In summary,

- **EXISTS**: Stops as soon as it finds **something**. 🛑🔦 - **IN**: Cross-checks **every item** on the list. 📋👀

This metaphor captures the essence of how these two operators function.

The IN Clause Pitfalls

Here's a word of caution: avoid IN subqueries when dealing with large result sets or when the list contains NULL values - performance might take a hit, and you'll end up scratching your head with unexpected results.


You don't want nested loop joins in your SQL queries, do you? Be careful while using IN with subqueries referencing the same tables as the outer query!

Null Nightmares

IN and NULL values isn't a good marriage - NULL among the IN list causes the expression to yield unknown, and most of the time, it's construed as FALSE.